  • 學位論文


A Comparison of Traceability System Between Taiwan and Japan-A Study Based on the Fishery Products

指導教授 : 胡智熊


國內外時常發生許多食品安全之問題,從傳統上時有所聞的食物中毒,直到近年來歐美狂牛症、農漁產品藥物殘留等問題,以及2008年9月所爆發的三鹿毒奶事件,每一項關於食品安全的新聞都引起消費者嚴重關切,因此,食品安全性儼然成為供應鏈中最重要的環節之ㄧ。 為了能夠有效的改善生產者與消費者之間的不信任關係,透過產銷履歷制度的建立,使農漁牧產品在生產(養殖)、加工、物流運輸的各階段都能夠完全紀錄和保存農產品的製造或販售點的詳細資訊,讓任何人都能隨時透過產品外包裝上的追溯碼正確回溯每一階段的資訊,這套食品的可追溯(Traceability)制度讓生產資訊透明化,也讓消費者吃的更安心。 由於對國內水產品食用安全上的重視以及對於水產品國際市場上發展的考慮,本研究主要探討臺灣與日本的水產品產銷履歷制度於推廣、產銷履歷認證標籤上之差異,並要了解臺灣及日本的消費者於水產品產銷履歷上想得知的內容有哪些不同。 研究發現日本在推動產銷履歷之制度上,主要是由政府扮演法律制定與監督的角色;而臺灣之部份則是政府涉入較多,除制定法律外,甚至參與履歷資訊系統的建置。在賣場產銷履歷標籤揭露的資訊方面,臺灣較日本缺少了產地與保存方式兩項。問卷方面則顯示臺灣消費者於產銷履歷標籤所能追溯內容較感興趣的為疫病檢測報告、防疫用藥紀錄、產地、養殖監管證明與日本的用藥、產地、飼料資訊非常相近。


The traceability system is important for the safety and international market of Taiwan fishery products. Japan is the major foreign market of fishery products for Taiwan, so this study aims to find out the differences between Taiwan traceability system and Japan traceability system, and to find out the consumer concern on the traceability label information. Based on the observations, the Council of Agriculture of Taiwan implemented a central information system to reveal traceability information of certified plant, livestock and fishery product. However, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery (MAFF) of Japan only holds the responsibility to the registration of the certifying bodies. Producers, breeders, feeders, processors and retailers are responsible to the way to publish the traceability information. Compared with the Japan traceability label, the traceability label in Taiwan does not show production place (place of origin) and preservative requirement. Finally, the survey shows that Taiwan consumers are interested in the information of the production place, certificates of medicine-safe, disease-free, and feed monitor. Compared with the Japan MAFF survey, Japan consumers have the similar concern to the production place, medicine, and feed.


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