  • 期刊


Role of American Ginseng and Exercise Training in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract


西洋蔘(American ginseng,學名Panax quinquefolium)名美國人蔘、花旗蔘,為五加科(Araliaceac)人蔘屬(Panax)西洋人蔘種(quinquefolium)植物,主要的生物活性物質為人蔘皂苷,包括Rb1、Rb2、Rc、Rd、Re、Rg1、Rg3、Rh2等。西洋蔘主要的藥理作用為降血糖、保護神經、調節免疫反應、預防上呼吸道感染、抗氧化及抗發炎等,臨床上則常用來治療糖尿病及預防上呼吸道感染。研究顯示西洋蔘所含的人蔘皂苷成分,可以抑制消化酶活性、促進潰瘍癒合、減少發炎反應、抑制淋巴球的活化及大腸上皮細胞的DNA損害等,表示西洋蔘具有保護腸胃道之功能,或許可以改善運動訓練過度後所導致之腸胃方面的不舒適感。


American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium, Araliaceac), which is native to North America, is one of the most widely used medicinal herbs in the world. Ginsenosides in American ginseng include ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rg1, Rg3 and Rh2. American ginseng demonstrates a wide variety of pharmacological effects to reduce postprandial blood glucose, protect nerve system, boost the immune system, prevent acute respiratory illness, anti-oxidative, and anti-inflammation. American ginseng is also used clinically to treat diabetes and prevent acute respiratory illness in many years. In the review studies indicated that ginsenosides of American ginseng can inhibit digestive enzyme activities, promote ulcer heal, decrease inflammation response, and reduce DNA damage in colonic epithelial cell. Consequently, American ginseng may have effective to improve gastrointestinal tract damage induced by exercise.


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