  • 學位論文


Impact of Railway Construction on Emergency Response Capability: A Case Study in Taipei

指導教授 : 林建元


都市防災是都市治理的一個重要的課題,它影響了都市居民的生活品質與生命安全。在眾多都市防災議題當中,消防救災能力更是最受關注的議題之一。在都市發展的過程中,鐵路交通是都市交通中重要的大眾運輸工具,許多鐵路車站會在市中心區設置,鐵路交通也造成道路交通阻隔、消防救災速率的延遲,當鐵路地下化工程施工時,交通建設對於都市路網造成阻礙、阻斷,一旦都市發生災害,大規模都市施工圍籬對於消防救災能力的影響程度如何,爲本研究的主要目的。 由於國內外過去多將施工工地管理問題,探討如何減少其對交通安全之影響,但卻無相關研究探討施工圍籬對交通路網之影響,站在都市安全的角度,施工圍籬對於都市救災能力的衝擊不容小覷,因此,本研究擬結合地理資訊系統之空間、路網分析和展示的功能與LINGO之區位分析功能,探討大規模道路施工圍籬存在時,對於消防救災能力的影響,並進一步分析消防隊區位應如何改變以因應施工圍籬的阻隔。 本研究以台北市南港區爲研究範圍,主要分爲三個階段來求得消防隊最適區位。 第一階段,建立台北市消防救災系統的路網資料,藉由現況調查與地理資訊系統建立大規模道路施工圍籬存在時,路網阻隔與各路段行車速率變化之模型。第二階段以區位分析中P-中心理論做爲消防隊區位分析之方法。以103個需求點進行區位分析,並從中選出合適的消防隊位置。第三階段將區位分析之結果輸入地理資訊系統中,模擬大規模道路施工圍籬對於消防救災能力之影響。 台北市南港區現有兩處消防隊,經研究發現,在施工圍籬存在的狀況下現有設施區位未能在3分鐘內服務所有需求點。由於施工圍籬的阻隔,使消防隊無法順利穿越鐵路南北兩側,減低行車速率,平均每分鐘受延遲202.41公尺(約12km/hr)。


Urban safety is a critical issue in urban management. It affects the life quality and safety of people in urban area. Among many factors, emergency response capability of fire station is the most critical one. Meanwhile, railway network is one of the most important transportation in urban area. In most cities where rail stations locate in city centers, road networks are intersected with railway and travel times of fire engines are affected. The system performance is even worse when railway system is under construction in a long-time period. During the construction period, the road network would be blocked or disconnected by fences in order to provide adequate space for the construction works. In practice, the impacts of railway construction on emergency response capability is often ignored in the project feasibility analysis, and thus construction works are implemented without any action to mitigate the negative impacts on emergency response time. This research, in addition to the presentation of the theoretical framework for the railway construction on the emergency response capability, base on a local district (Nan-Gang) in Taipei city, a case study of impact evaluation on system performance will be conducted by means of GIS network analysis functions. There are three phases in this research. First, build the road network data resource of Nan-Gang district, and use GIS to model the railroad construction period road network, fences barrier, and fire engines moving speed. Second, use P-center theory to analysis 103 demand points, decide where the appropriate point to locate fire station is. Third, use GIS to performance emergency response capability, compare the capability difference when construction fences exist or not. The research results indicate a significant impact. The fire engines speed would be slow down 202.41 meters per minute (12km/hr) and future fire station allocation improvements are suggested.


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