  • 學位論文


A study on regenerative strategies of industrial park -The case of Linko industrial park

指導教授 : 林建元


近幾年,由於台灣產業結構與發展型態的轉變,使台灣地區之工業區發展正面臨嚴重的挑戰。編定工業區內的部分傳統產業,隨著大環境的改變逐漸沒落,同時又有新興產業的崛起,傳統的用地型態已隨著產業趨勢而多有改變,有鑑於此,政府部門實有必要推動「編定工業區之更新再生」。 本研究主要以國內外工業區推行作法做為借鏡、配合工業區園區化、複合化、生活化的趨勢,並考量本國地區產業的發展、檢視目前編定工業區發展現況,並以個案地區作為研究主體。配合田野調查、二手資料蒐集分析、廠商意願問卷調查作為本研究方法並探討工業區再生之可行改善方法,主要有五個方向:產業環境提升、實質環境改善、管理機能強化、法令政策修正、財務金融補貼。 本研究以林口工二、工三工業區作為個案研究對象,其再生主要目標為發展成為全台電子機械創新研發社群。認為再生除了拆除重建、整建復興、保存維護外,還需要具有足夠的經濟誘因,能夠帶來經濟活力,並以社經環境的改善、實質環境的再生為主共同進行,找出地方關注的議題,以民間推動為主。而為達成此目標建議推動下列措施: 標的一:發展為都市技術型之工業園區 標的二:推動產業技術升級 標的三:民間自治組織之成立 標的四:基礎設施的更新維護 標的五:土地複合化使用 標的六:產業園區整體環境美化 透過以上再生策略,期能達到改善工業區老化的實質環境,並藉此刺激經濟活力,減少開發新工業區對環境的破壞,進而達到永續生態的最終目的。


工業園區 林口工業區 更新 再生


Recently, due to the industrial restructuring, the development of industrial parks in Taiwan is facing to critical challenges. Some traditional industries in the industrial parks are decreasing, meanwhile, some newly developed industries are emerging and in need of new space of industrial parks. Given such situation, it is a crucial task for the government to promote redevelopment and regeneration of industrial parks. In this study, in addition to literature review of experiences in foreign countries, considering the trends of future industrial park development and industrial demands, a case study will be conducted to propose strategies for industrial park redevelopment and regeneration. In order to identify feasible strategies, data analysis and survey of questionnaires were conducted. Five directions are identified for the future needs, namely, upgrading of industrial environment, improvement of physical environment, empowerment of management, revision of related regulations, and financial supports. Based on the case study of Linko industrial park, the objective of regeneration is aimed at the development of leading R&D center of micro-mechanical industries in Taiwan. In order to promote park regeneration, in addition to the physical redevelopment, it is argued that financial incentives are needed. Moreover, involvement of private sector is critically needed. To promote regeneration of Linko industrial park, the following strategic actions are proposed for future works: 1. To develop as an industrial park for urban technology-oriented industries. 2. To promote the upgrade of industrial technology. 3. To develop community voluntary organization. 4. To renew the infrastructure and public facilites. 5. To promote mixed land uses. 6. To promote the total environmental quality of industrial parks. Through the implementation of the above strategic actions, it is expected that physical environment of old industrial parks can be improved to support economic activities on the one hand, and the pressure of developing new industrial parks can be reduced for the sustainable development.


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