  • 學位論文


Paradox and sally out-The way of child and youth protective female social work supervisors.

指導教授 : 鄭夙芬


本研究目的探討兒少保護領域之社工人員擢升為督導者之經驗,並了解兒少保護社工督導者督導工作之實施,希望藉以回應社工專業及督導制度之參考。研究執行期間自2008年10月至2009年2月,研究場域及對象以某縣市執行兒少保護工作之一、二線機構之社工督導者為主,共計七名,採取質性研究(qualitative research) 中的深度訪談(in-depth interviews)與參與觀察(participant observation)作為主要資料蒐集方法,並透過持續性比較分析(constant comparative method)進行資料分析與呈現。 本研究結果發現: 1.社會工作者成為一位社工督導者,「資深」是晉升為督導者的重要條件首要條件;但社工督導者在機構中的位置是未曾標示職稱或沒有相對薪資結構的虛擬位階之「妾身未明」;而社工督導者以過去被督導經驗作為「誰來教我當督導」之重要來源。 2.兒少保護社工督導者在督導工作之實施中有著三面埋伏,一方面在「新手社工的培育」中,社工督導者面臨新手培訓與人力流失的困境;社工督導者必須周旋在「兒少保護一二線制度之對仗」,擔任溝通協調緩衝者;而督導者的工作時間常被打斷,紀錄的審閱、機構中煩瑣決策流程佔去督導者的時間,使得督導者面對著「工作時間表的錯亂」。 3.女性社工督導者在督導工作中「瞥見女性的韌性」,其擺盪在工作與家庭之中,善用各種資源來爭取家人與先生的支持,讓角色切換間可以分配得宜。同時,其所擁有「關係重於任務的女性督導風格」把自己督導者風格建立在像是媽媽或姐姐,更潛移默化的將家庭關係與工作關係的融合,達到彼此和諧關係的經營。   最後,本研究分別針對當前社工督導者在社會福利政策與社工專業教育的歷史脈絡中所產生之落差;社工督導者在督導工作中權力遊戲之察覺;透過督導過程以豐富督導功能;女性在性別框架下的成就趨避等四個議題進行討論,並提出未來建議研究方向。


The three primary aims of this paper are to explore the promoted experiences of child and youth protective supervisors, to indicate the practical supervision in child and youth protective field, and to give advices to the social work profession and its’ supervisory system. This study is a qualitative research and collects data from October 2008 to February 2009 in-depth interviews(7 social work supervisors) and participant observation(Child and youth protective Institutions in one city). Using constant comparative method analyzes the data. This research result present as follows: 1. The first and most important condition for a social worker to become a supervisor is that senior career. However the title of social work supervisor does not really exist in the position structure and salary structure in social work institution. 2. In child and youth protective social work supervision practical field, there has a triple disadvantage situation. Firstly, the situation of training new workers, social work supervisors faced with the difficult task of training new workers because of the manpower outflow. Secondly, the situation of dealing with the child and youth protective direct-indirect service delivery system, social work supervisors is the negotiator between two systems. Thirdly, the situation of facing their own dislocating working timetable, supervisors not only have to complete their own job but also need checking the report from social worker and making detail decisions within the demand of organization, so their own working time are always intermittent. 3. Female supervisors show the “feminine toughness” in the supervision. As a female, they sway in work and family, so they try to make good use of each resources to obtain the family member support in order to let their work and family roles appropriate taken. At the same time, female supervisors value “the relations supervisory styles”, being like mother or the elder sister, and influence the members from work relationship to family relationship, achieving harmonious collaborative relationship. This paper focuses on four discussions: the differences of social work supervision between social welfare policy and social work education; the awareness of supervisor authority games; how to enrich the supervision functions through supervising process; the female motives to avoid success and leadership under gender issue.


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