  • 學位論文


The relationship of adolescent's resilience and depression in residential care

指導教授 : 宋麗玉


本研究主要探討安置機構內青少年之復原力與憂鬱情緒的表現情形,以及復原力、憂鬱情緒的表現與他們的自尊、社會支持、因應策略及生活壓力等相關因素之關係。研究對象以兒童安置機構中的國中及高中生為主,經7間安置機構同意其安置青少年參與研究。本研究採取集體問卷調查方式進行資料收集工作,研究工具為「青少年復原力與憂鬱傾向之問卷」,進行兩次施測,時間相隔為6個月。第一次測量回收之有效問卷共計243份,第二次測量回收之有效問卷共計233份;而兩次皆參與作答問卷共計有196份。所得資料依研究問題,採取描述性、差異性、相關性、因素分析以及多元迴歸等方法進行統計分析。 本研究在機構安置青少年的復原力表現方面的主要發現包括: 1.復原力表現上普遍欠佳,且兩次測驗間(第一次測量結果及第二次測量結果)的復原力表現相當穩定。 2.復原力與機構內生活感受、自尊、社會支持及問題中心因應策略等相關因素呈現正相關。 3.復原力與憂鬱傾向呈現負相關。 4.復原力會因年齡及性別而有顯著差異存在,其中就讀高中者優於國中者,而女生優於男生。 本研究在機構安置青少年的憂鬱傾向表現方面的主要發現包括: 1.在前後兩次測量上,憂鬱情緒變化很大,且相當不穩定。 2.機構安置青少年的憂鬱傾向得分超過16分以上者高達34.7%,而其中一次測量得分超過16分者亦佔33%。 3.憂鬱傾向會因年齡及性別而產生顯著差異,其中國中者比高中生更憂鬱,而女生則比男生更為憂鬱。。 本研究在機構安置青少年的調節模式方面,主要發現包括: 1.機構生活感受對復原力具主要效果,即機構生活感受越高者,其復原力也越好。 2.青少年之自尊、社會支持、情緒中心因應策略及生活壓力對憂鬱傾向具主要效果;即高自尊、高社會支持,較少採用情緒中心因應策略及生活壓力低者,能減輕憂鬱傾向。 本研究在機構安置青少年的促進模式方面,主要發現包括: 1.在第一次測量中,復原力對自尊與憂鬱傾向具部分中介效果;而復原力對社會支持與憂鬱傾向具完全中介效果;但在第二次測量中皆未獲得印證。 2.在路徑分析中,機構安置青少年之對機構內生活感受、自尊及社會支持皆對復原力具有正向影響力,而復原力對憂鬱傾向則具有負向影響力,因此,對機構內生活感受、自尊、社會支持對憂鬱傾向具有間接負向影響力。 研究建議,本研究針對未來研究及兒童安置機構兩方面提出建議,在未來研究方面,針對研究對象、研究工具及研究方法四方向相關建議;在兒童安置機構方面,則在對機構生活感受、復原力、憂鬱情緒、自尊與社會支持及生活壓力等五方面提供機構專業人員相關建議。


The present study attempted to examine the prevalence of depression and resilience and their association with factors, such as self-esteem, social support, coping strategy and life stress, among adolescents in residential care. All samples were placed in 7 child care institutions, aged between 13 to 18 years old. The data collection was performed twice, six months apart for each data questionnaire survey work. In the first measurement, the valid samples were 243, in the second measurement, the valid samples were 233; and there were196 adolescents attended both measurements. The data was analyzed using the descriptive statistics, correlation, ANOVA, factor analysis, and multiple regressions. The major results related to the resilience of adolescents in residential care were as follows: 1.The overall resilience performance is poor but fairly stable. 2.The resilience of adolescents has positive correlation with institutional life experiences, self-esteem, social support and problem-solving orientation coping strategy. 3.The resilience of adolescents has positive correlation with depression, and there are significant gender and age differences. According to Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale score, the residential care of adolescent in two measurements of depression have changed dramatically, and very unstable. 1.There has 34.7% of sample scored over 16, and there has33% of sample scored over 16 on one of depression measurements. 2.There are significant gender and age differences in depression. In terms of adjusted model of the residential care of adolescents: 1.Institutional life experiences of adolescents have main effect on resilience, which means the better institutional experiences of life, the stronger in resilience. 2.Adolescent's self-esteem, social support, and life stress also has main effect on depression, which indicates that high self-esteem, high social support, and low life pressure are able to reduce the depression. In terms of promoted model of the residential care of adolescents: 1.In the first measurement, self-esteem and depression have partial mediating effects on resilience, which can enhance resilience and self-esteem in one side, and reduce the depression in other side. However, it was not confirmed in the second measurement. 2.In the first measurement, social support and depression has created mediating effect on resilience, which means that social support are able to moderate resilience, and reduce the depression. However, it was not verified in the second measurement. 3.Path analysis of institution life experience, self-esteem and social support within the institution have a positive influence on resilience, and resilience of depression tended to have a negative influence, therefore, to institution life experience, self-esteem, social support on depression tend to have indirect negative impact. Finally, there were recommendations for future research and the institution of residential care.


House, J. S. (1981). Work stress and social support. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.


