  • 學位論文


Studies on the interactions between dropout students and their parents in three farm families in Taitung.

指導教授 : 賴博永博士 趙善如博士


本研究旨在理解中輟生之家庭關係,進一步了解形成中輟的家庭因素。藉由現象學方法分析台東農業家庭中輟生親子互動之關係,並詮釋背後之深層意義。以半結構式的深度訪談蒐集三個家庭的資料,採用主題分析法進行分析,並以家庭系統觀點提出討論,以家庭成員主觀知覺的回答,找出家庭經驗及子女間互動的深層意義。本研究的三個家庭背景,均從事務農或生產低經濟農作物,造成家庭經濟困難,因此,在努力改善家庭經濟的同時,疏忽了對子女的關懷,以致,造成對子女「低關懷—高權威」的現象發生,對子女之行為與情緒穩定度都有深遠的影響,農業家庭的中輟生,與家庭的關係,均受負向事件的刺激與影響,彼此間溝通不良或管教方式失當,均是造成個案離家或輟學的原因。 因務農需投入的心力以及時間較其他生產性勞動長,所以親子間相處的時間較少,雙親疏於管教子女,其管教行為則由兄長、姊代理,演變為親職化情緒需求角色,引起受管教們的抗拒或不適應,而造成輟學事件;反之,如由雙親擔任情緒需求角色時,則較符合理正當性,子女較樂於接受雙親的關懷與鼓勵。故親職化子女應以溝通方式取代管教,否則無法提供家庭和諧與穩定。中輟生對於其所遇到的挫折生活體驗或難忘的事件,往往會直(間)接影響到其情緒、行為及生活適應,甚至於對一些事情的記憶,會產生預期的判斷或評估,而採取防禦或反擊的行為。尤其面對負面的事件,因個人性格挫折容忍度的不同,會採取個別差異的抗拒。師長及父母之間的鼓勵與認同,可以增加中輟生之學習動力。 關鍵詞:中輟生、家庭關係、家庭系統、農業家庭、主題分析法


The Content of Abstract in The Thesis: This study was to discern the relationship between the dropout students and their families and the reasons attributing to their drop-out. The phenomenal analytical method was employed to analyze the interactions between the dropout students and their parents and to explain the underlying meaning behind the interactions. Data on the three families involved were collected through semi-structural in-depth interview of the family members. Analyses were conducted by using the subject analytical method and discussion was approached from the viewpoints of the family systems involved. The underlying meaning of the family experience and the interactions among the children of each of the three families were derived from the intuitive answers provided by family members when they were approached by the questions raised. The backgrounds of the three families were primarily in agriculture or production of low cash crops, resulting in the families’ financial difficulty. While much effort was devoted to improving family financial conditions, caring for their children was neglected, creating a phenomenon “low caring and high authority” occurred in the interactions between parents and their children. This had a far reaching impact on the emotion and behaviors of children. Dropout students from farm families and their relationship with their families were stimulated or affected by negative incidents. Poor communication and inappropriate discipline were the major contributing factors to students’ drop-out or leaving families. Practicing agriculture required higher inputs of time, labor and efforts compared to other production practices. The time for interaction between parents and children was less. Therefore, the emotional demanding role in disciplining children played by parents was reduced and replaced by elder children. This role switch from parents to elder children caused resistance or uneasy feeling from other children being disciplined, which contributed to drop-out. In contrary, when the emotional demanding role were played by parents, children appeared to accept it better, particularly those care and encouragement from parents. This relationship between parents and children was more reasonable. Communication between parents and children in place of disciplinary actions was better able to create family harmony and stability. The emotion, behavior or adaptability of dropout students were usually affected by their experiences in set-backs or unforgettable incidents encountered in their lives. Dropout students might reacted with an anticipated defensive posture or striking back in their response to certain memorable incidents. In facing with negative incidents, dropout students might also respond with differential resistances to individual incident due to the differences in students’ personality and degrees of tolerence to set-backs. Dropout students’ motivation could be better enhanced by the caring and encouragement from teachers and parents. Keywords: Dropout students, family relations, family system, farm family, Thematic analysis


