  • 期刊


Knowledge Ties in the Emerging of Place-based Pedagogies


立基於國立臺灣大學的「食養城市.人文農創」計畫(食養農創),本文分析跨領域場域教學模式的價值觀、支持系統及效應成果,提出「知識緣」(knowledge ties)的核心概念,概稱社會網絡中知識菁英與地方居民碰撞產生的知識與關係。此計畫於2014年秋天開始籌備,實際執行期間為2015年春天到2018年秋冬共三年半,在六個社區型場域進行六十門課程的教學活動,前後參與老師近五十名,修課學生超過兩千人。本文內容首先說明於師生與在地網絡的養成機制,其次以問卷數據和學生訪談分析知識轉化的過程和因素,最後以鄉村地區的坪林以及城市地區的南萬華為案例,呈現默會知識與前沿知識相互碰撞的過程和成果。基於資料分析結果,我們認為課程若促使大學師生對於場域產生自發的興趣,有助於他們與地方發展出具有各自意義的關係,這些時間和人員未必連續但行動相互呼應,可以支持師生的學習和生涯發展,也回應了社區的需要。相對於社區營造以來以地緣和事緣為基礎的取向,此經驗分析指出人文社會科學跨領域師生與社區在地網絡,透過知識的共學和共創,共同形成多元連結的可能性。


B Based on the investigation of the Agricultural Humanity Curriculum Transformation Project carried out by the National Taiwan University from fall 2014 to spring 2019, our paper proposes the concept of "knowledge ties" between local places and the intellectuals of universities. We advocate that offering place-based curricula is a university social responsibility. Our data collected from the three-year processes where 49 professors and 2027 students have engaged in six communities. Case analyses include one in rural Pinglin and the other in urban Southern Wanhua. We argue the interdisciplinary place-based pedagogy in support of a wide range of subjects students and teachers would nurture a social network that sustains the learning and growing of both university and community.


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