  • 期刊


Coexistence of Agricultural and Industrial Landuse on Farmland: The Political Ecology of Plumbing Hardware Manufacture in Dingfanpo, Lukang




Rural areas in Taiwan have mixed land uses, with agricultural and industrial landscapes often coexisting on farmland. Factories on arable lands have violated land use control, destroyed the integrity of agricultural lands, and polluted farmlands. The development of farmland factories exist and rural industrial landscapes; interaction with different land uses the inter-scalar interactions that maintain them, and the actors involved; the degree to which such mixed use compromised the environmental integrity of farmland, and the reactions of local residents are all related issues of political ecology. This study utilizes the distribution of soil pollution control sites and related maps to illustrate coexisting agricultural and industrial land use. Further, this study also explains the interactions among all actors by conducting in-depth interviews to identify the chain of explanation for the political ecology of the plumbing hardware industry. The explanation chain illustrates the capital and resource flows within the plumbing hardware manufacturing sector of Dingfanpo. The chain also identifies the winners and losers of the political ecological structure, which are all stakeholders and driving forces for the phenomenon of mixed land use. Plumbing factories on farmland result not only from the plumbing hardware factory operators, but also multinational companies, local organizations, government regulations and their lack of implementation. The factories on farmland take advantage of low labor and environmental costs, compromise environmental quality, and alter the local man-land relationship. This study highlights various actors in the political ecology of Plumbing Hardware manufacturing in Dingfanpo, and emphasizes the injustice of coexisting agriculture and industry on farmlands.


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