  • 期刊

Using Big Data of Electronic Toll Collection to Analyze the Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions of Highway Vehicles in Taiwan-A Case Study



Based on the big data of 200 million records on Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) from the Taiwan National Highway Department for 2014, this paper seeks to evaluate the fuel consumption and carbon emissions of five vehicle categories (cars, light duty trucks, public transportation, arctic heavy duty trucks, and rigid heavy duty trucks) by per ton/passenger kilometer, and the carbon emission distributions for various parts of the highway. The analysis is based on the UK Tag vehicle speed & fuel consumption estimation model and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Tier 3 mobile combustion emission model. The results show that the main carbon emissions for the central and northern areas were mostly caused by passenger vehicles (cars and buses), while for the southern area they were due to articulated heavy duty trucks. In addition, this paper found that there was no positive correlation between speed and carbon emissions, and this may be due to different regional characteristics, road gradients, intersecting ramp conditions and traffic flows. Supported by the collected big data, this paper thus suggests the carbon reduction policy by using large-scale transport vehicles and the joint venture operating mode to transport cargo and passengers, as this policy could reduce emissions and save energy.


本論文使用2014年兩億筆台灣高速公路電子收費巨量資料,研究五種車輛(小客車、小卡車、大客車、大卡車、貨櫃車)在台灣不同高速公路區段的每乘客-公里的能源消耗和每噸-公里的炭排量。此分析採取UK Tag車輛速度和油耗估計模型以及National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Tier 3車輛消耗和排放模型進行計算。研究結果顯示北部和中部區域主要碳排車輛爲小汽車和大客車,而南部區域主要碳排車輛爲大卡車。此外,車速和碳排量的關係並未呈現正相關,可能干擾的原因爲區域特徵、道路斜度、匝道條件和流量。基於所收集到的資料分析結果的支持,我們建議政府在高速公路減炭政策上可推行增加由大型車輛來運輸貨物和推行共乘制度來運載旅客,此類政策可以減低炭排量並節省能源。


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