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Analysis on the Transportation System for Rice Seedling Centers in Taiwan


本研究已完成台灣地區水稻育苗場搬運作業體系之分析,所涵蓋之搬運機具有獨輪車、雙軌台車、堆高機、堆高機附掛板車、履帶式台車、貨卡車、輸送帶和輸送機等八種。並選定九場育苗中心進行搬運作業之現況分析,項目包括作業方式、作業工時、搬運動線長度、流動強度以及運輸功等,分析結果顯示:H戶之育苗中心採用輸送機進行搬運,其流動強度最大。入苗作業時,每小時達742盤,出苗時則高達522捲苗。綠化場距作業室較遠時,宜採用裝卸方便、裝載量大、移動速度快之搬運設備,並輔以二段式搬運機具進行接駁,以避免浪費時間與人力。 本研究成果可提供給育苗業者,做為改善現有作業方式的參考,並可清楚得知各種搬運機具的特性及適用場合。研究之成果,亦可供做未來決策模式建立的基礎資料。


水稻 育苗場 搬運


This study analyzes transportation system for paddy nursery centers in Taiwan. Eight types of transportation equipment are introduced, namely, the single-wheel cart, four-wheel cart with double rails, fork lift trucks, fork lift truck with pallet trailer, platform crawler, wheel truck, belt conveyor, and transport gantry. Nine nursery centers were investigated through real-time study and in-depth interview for their facilities, work time, route arrangement for transport, intensity of flow and work done for transport. It is found that nursery center H which uses transport gantry, has the highest intensity of flow in handling materials. It can move 742 trays per hour from stack area into greening field, and 522 rolls per hour for seedlings out of greening field. It is also found that transport machines of large workload, equipped with fast loading and unloading devices and assisted by simple tools for inner connections, may be required to facilitate the nursery work when the greening field is located far from the work room so as to save labor and time. The results may form a basis for a reasonable decision support system and can provide basic reference data for farmers to improve their efficiencies.


Paddy rice Nursery center Transportation
