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The Impact of the EU's Economic Policies on the Taiwan-Europe Industrial Exchanges Under Global Supply Chain Transition: A Questionnaire for Enterprises in Taiwan Stock Exchange


自新冠疫情以來,包括歐盟及其成員國在內的先進經濟體領袖,持續呼籲我國部分產業前往設廠,引發全球產業鏈重組的討論迄今未息。本文主要貢獻,在於首次嘗試就近年歐盟面對國外資金併購與產業競爭壓力,所作出的政策回應賡續進行分析,並聚焦其對於歐臺產業交流的影響。姑不論暫遭歐洲議會擱置的歐中投資協議,歐盟自2020年10月以來,陸續推動或執行幾項對外重大經貿措施:一、外資監控機制;二、印太戰略與產業新戰略更新版;三、Fit for 55(55套案);四、疫苗護照;五、脫歐後的英歐新貿易協議;六、半導體發展。本文於2021年底以問卷調查蒐集產業經理人初級資料,即時取得臺灣產業因歐盟上述重大對外經貿政策所受之影響程度。為了合理反映臺灣整體經濟以及各產業受歐盟重大對外經貿政策的影響程度,以上市、上櫃、興櫃企業為代表性母體,依照各產業對國內生產毛額的貢獻度進行分層抽樣。在前述抽樣基礎下,檢視產業別間是否因歐盟重大經貿措施而有不同採購存貨決策、投資設廠策略以及經營資源配置調整,以及是否對臺灣產業暨供應鏈提供轉型誘因與挑戰,進而對鼓勵臺商赴歐投資提供產業政策建議。

Parallel abstracts

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the advanced economies, including the member states of the European Union (EU), have called on Taiwanese-specific industries' foreign direct investment (FDI), which makes the global industrial supply chain restructuring a hot issue. This paper analyzes the EU's responses to China's mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and industrial competition in recent years and its impact on EU-Taiwan industrial exchanges. Regardless of the postponed EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI), the EU has imposed several industrial policies since October 2020: (1) FDI screening mechanism, (2) Indo-Pacific Strategy & New Industrial Strategy, (3) Fit for 55, (4) Digital vaccine passport, (5) UK–EU Trade & Cooperation Agreement after Brexit, and (6) Semiconductor development. The questionnaire is based on the stratified sampling for the listed companies at Taiwan's stock exchange, over-the-counter, and emerging stock market. The respondents' replies show their decisions on purchase, inventory, investment, factory establishment, and resource allocation due to the EU's recent economic and trade measures. Policy suggestions can be provided to encourage Taiwan's FDI in Europe and deal with the supply chain transition challenges.


An, T.-H. T., & Yeh, K.-C., 2020. “Determinants of Taiwan’s Outward Investment in Southeast Asia: Economic Factors and Institutional Issues.” Pacific Economic Review, forthcoming. doi:10.1111/1468-0106.12348
