This study explored the difference between two different background patriarchs about scientific knowledge and epistemologies in the context of parent-child book-reading interactions. Two children, one girl with her mother and one boy with his father, all living in Tainan, participated in this study. The average age of the children was four. The subjects were visited in school, where the father and the mother were asked to read a Chinese-language book entitled ”Moon•Earth•Sun” to their children. Parent-child interactions were audio-taped and video-taped and transcribed. In addition, the father and the mother were asked about their beliefs concerning science teaching, science learning, and nature of science. Parents' beliefs about science teaching, science learning and nature of science were respectively categorized as either ”traditional”, ”process”, or ”constructivist”. The results of this study showed that there were some differences about the correctness and diversity of scientific knowledge. It was found that the father held ”Constructivist” beliefs about science learning and nature of science, and ”Process” and ”Constructivist” mixed beliefs about science teaching. The mother held ”Traditional” beliefs about science teaching, science learning, and nature of science.