  • 期刊


The Strategies and Recommendations for Football Development in Taiwan


藉由日前在臺灣所舉行的2014巴西世界盃亞洲區資格賽─淘汰賽,以及高雄龍騰體育場舉行的亞足聯主席盃決賽(President's Cup Final)來看,可得知臺灣球員皆有相當不錯的表現,也見識到臺灣並非不具足球運動發展之潛力。惟臺灣足球整體環境不佳之緣故,造成許多優秀選手遭受埋沒,同時也削弱臺灣足球運動之戰力。有鑑於此,作者遂針對做為指導及推展國家競技運動火車頭的政府及協會兩造進行探討,文中發現政府在目前推展足球運動發展上所面臨的問題有三:一、競技走向的思維,二、缺乏球員就業管道,三、缺乏監督機制的建立;協會方面的問題則有三:一、缺乏有效的近、中、長程計畫,二、缺乏專業團隊的推動與制度的建立,三、缺乏各階段專業訓練教材。作者根據以上問題進而提出以下建議,政府方面為:一、推動足球運動普及化的形成,二、鼓勵企業成立甲組球隊,三、建立各地區足球運動發展小組;協會方面為:一、制定有效的近、中、長程發展計畫,二、建立多元化專業推動團隊,三、編製各階段之專業訓練教材。適逢行政院體育委員會(體委會)日前通過「運動產業發展條例」相關辦法,作者認為政府及協會應把握此良機,積極克服目前臺灣足球運動環境的不良現況,整合相關資源並相互配合,以收改善足球運動環境之成效。


According to the outcome of 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Preliminary Competition Asia Zone qualification and President's Cup Final recently held in Taiwan, our representative football players showed their great performance, it revealed that our country should have highly potentials to play football. However, due to lack of overall supports for football development in Taiwan, many good players were ignored, and our strengths for this sport item were weak. In view of all above, this research made discussions on two authority systems, the Government and the football association which manages national athletics development and policies. It was found three problems the Government faced when promoting football: first of all was the cogitation of athletics trend, the following was lacking of employment opportunities, the last was shortage of the supervision system. And the problems the association faced were as below: first of all was lacking of complete plans in short, medium, and long terms, following was wanting in the professional group to systematically promote, and the last was short of professional training materials for every stage. Responding to these problems, the authors of this study proposed suggestions for these two authorities separately. For the government were: (1) to popularize football sport in society, (2) to encourage enterprises form group A team, (3) to build the football development team in every regions. For the association were: (1) to map out effective short-term, medium-term and long term plans, (2) to establish a professional group with diversity expertise, (3) to compile professional training materials for every stage. The sports industry development regulation was just passed by the Sports Affairs Council. It is the perfect time for the government and association to work together, integrate resources and make rectification for creating a better football exercising environment for players in Taiwan.


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楊濟銘(2011,9 月 11 日)。從教育看兒童足球的本質。國立臺北教育大學進修學院進修推廣中心――活力養生電子報。資料引自 http://dice.ntue.edu.tw/epaper/2009jan/2009janhea.htm


