  • 期刊

Changes in Self-Reported Motivation and Attitudes of Secondary Students Following Music Compositional Activities





Motivation is an important condition in music composition. However, studies on motivation changes towards music composition are rare. This paper reports an investigation on motivation changes of secondary students after they have been guided to compose. A total of 810 students from four secondary schools of Hong Kong responded to a set of pre- and post-activity questionnaire before and after completing a compositional activity. Open-ended questions were used in the post-activity questionnaire to seek students' perception changes. A series of repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the mean scores before and after the compositional activities in order to measure the different levels of student perception towards music composition. Gender and the identity of instrumentalist were examined whether they were significant factors affecting the motivational changes. Results suggest that these two factors significantly affected the motivational changes. While male students and non-instrumentalists had significantly lower levels of motivation than females and instrumentalists before composing, both groups had increased their motivation significantly after composing. Qualitative data reveal that intrinsic value and attainment value of composing were raised by the composing experience. Based on the findings, this study provides further implications for teaching music compositions in class.


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