  • 期刊


Evolution from Da-mo Zen to Huei-neng Zen-A Comparative Study of Related Research Viewpoints among Yin Shun, Hu Shih and Suzuki Daisetsu




達摩 慧能 印順 胡適 鈴木大拙


”Evolution from Da-mo Zen to Huei-neng Zen” is an important issue in the history of Zen in the early days. Hu Shih indicates in ”A Study of Leng-jia Master” that the Zens from Da-mo to Shen-siu belong to the orthodox Leng-jia Master. It is found in the ”Quotations” of Shen Huei and Altar Scriptures written by the sect of Shen Huei that Jin-gang Banruo Scriptures have all along been used to replace Leng-jia Scriptures. Therefore, the revolution initiated by Huei Neng and Sheng Huei is an ”annihilation of Leng-jia Master by Ban-ruo Master.” After the publication of such an astonishing argument of Hu Shih, Suzuki Daisetsu's ”Research on the History of Zen Thinking II” inherits the viewpoints of Hu Shih, and classifies Zen thinking into ”the tradition of Leng-jia Scriptures” and ”the rise of Jin-gang Scriptures.” In his opinion, the Northern Master Zen (Shen-siu sect) sticks to ”Leng-jia Scriptures”, the Southern Master Zen (Huei-neng sect) follows ”Jin-gang Scriptures”. This is the origin of the confrontation and opposition between these two sects. Nevertheless, Yin Shun disagrees with Hu Shih and Suzuki Daisetsu. He argues that ever since Da-mo Zen is being preached from India, it is convenient for it to evolve continuously from Da Mo to Huei Neng. In fact it is substantially the consistent Ru-lai (Zang) Zen. In response to the opinions of Hu Shih and Suzuki Daisetsu, Yin Shun employs three clues in his ”History of the Chinese Zen”: 1. The relationship between ”Leng-jia Scriptures” and Ban-ruo has proved that Leng-jia Master contains the thinking of Ban-ruo. 2. The relationship between Altar Scriptures and ”Jin-gang Scriptures” has proved that Hu Shih's observation of ”both Huei Neng and Shen Huei having replaced Lengjia Scriptures by Jin-gang Scriptures” is inconsistent with the historical facts. 3. He traces the origin and development of Dun-wu sect, searches the whole story of Dun-wu sect, and refutes Hu Shih's statement of ”unique origin of Dun-wu sect.” Therefore, people cannot say that Huei Neng and Shen Huei have annihilated Ban-ruo Master because Ban-ruo thinking has long existed in Leng-jia Master.


Da Mo Huei Neng Yin Shun Hu Shih Suzuki Daisetsu


唐.慧能說,法海錄:《六祖壇經》(《大正藏》第48 冊)
唐.宗密:《圓覺經大疏釋義鈔》(《卍續藏經》第14 冊)


