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Anthropometric Profiles of Elite Canoe Polo Players


本研究目的為調查優秀輕艇水球運動員身體型態特質,受試者為參加2004世界輕艇水球錦標賽之國家隊選手,成人九名及青年七名,其平均年齡分別為23.89±1.83和20.41±0.69歲,身高為173.74±4.31和171.04±4.05公分,體重為74.28±4.60和66.09±6.48公斤。所有測量值依國際身體型態測量促進協會(International Society of Advancement of Kinanthropometry, ISAK)的標準程序進行。所得結果分別經獨立樣本t-test、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)以及相依樣本t-test等進行統計分析。結果顯示輕艇水球選手較其他優秀輕艇選手輕且矮小,但卻有較高的體脂肪,不過在輕艇專項特質如前臂/上臂比及坐高/身高比是相似的。另外,成人選手較重並有較高的體脂肪,而雖守門員有較高的身高及體脂肪但未達顯著。此外,經過六週訓練後,選手體脂肪顯著減少尤以髂棘的部位特別明顯。建議未來可持續檢測國家隊選手以深入了解專項身體型態變化情形,另外亦可發展專項生理功能或表現的測試以供未來訓練或選材之用。


輕艇水球 身體型態

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to investigate anthropometric profiles of elite canoe polo players. Subjects were 9 senior and 7 U21 players representing the Chinese Taipei Team for 2004 World Canoe Polo Championship. Their age, height and weight (senior vs. Under 21) were 23.89±1.83 vs. 20.41±0.69 yrs, 173.74±4.31 vs. 171.04±4.05 cm and 74.28±4.60 vs. 66.09±6.48 kg, respectively. The standard International Society of Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) procedure was adopted for all testing in this study. All data were analyzed by independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and paired t-test, respectively. The results indicated that canoe polo players were lighter, shorter, smaller but fatter than other Olympic kayakers. However, they were similar in some canoe specific characteristics such as the ratio of forearm/upper arm and sit height/height. Senior players were heavier and had a higher adipose than U21 players but not significantly. Further, after 6-week training, canoe polo players significantly reduced their body fat especially on iliac crest. In the future, there is a need to continuously monitor anthropometric profiles of national team players. The canoe polo specific physiological or performance test can also be developed to provide references for further training and talent identification.

Parallel keywords

Canoe polo Anthropometric profile


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