  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Upper and Lower Limb Dominant Muscle Strength and Cardiorespiratory Fitness For Elite Teenage Canoe/Kayak Athletes

指導教授 : 王順正


摘 要 目的:探討優秀青少年輕艇選手的上肢(肱二頭肌)、下肢(股四頭肌) 慣用 側最大等長自主收縮肌力(maximal voluntary contraction, MVC) 與心肺耐力指 標的相關性,並了解K 艇與C 艇的生理特徵,做為選才與訓練的參考。方法: 以15 名 (C 艇選手7 名、K 艇選手8 名) 優秀的輕艇選手 (年齡17.53±1.19 歲、 身高170.20±5.57 公分、體重66.47±6.94 公斤) 為受試對象,受試者以隨機分配 方式,依平衡次序原則,分別接受慣用手肱二頭肌、慣用腳股四頭肌的MVC 測 驗 (以Biodex 肌力測量系統檢測) ,以及輕艇測功儀(Kayak ergometer) 漸增負 荷 (C 艇起始速度為40 strokes/min、每兩分鐘增加5 strokes/min;K 艇起始速度 為70 strokes/min、每兩分鐘增加10 strokes/min) 的最大攝氧量 (maximal oxygen intake, VO2max) 與衰竭時總划艇距離測驗,每次測驗間至少間隔48 小時。以皮 爾森積差相關分析上肢、下肢慣用側肌力與心肺耐力的相關情形。以獨立樣本t 檢定比較K 艇與C 艇兩組各測量數值之差異情形,顯著水準α訂為.05。結果: 優秀青少年輕艇選手慣用手肱二頭肌MVC (68.09±12.56 N.m) ,雖然與VO2max (49.46±7.23 ml/kg/min) 沒 有顯著相關(r=.046) , 但是與衰竭距離 (1764.87±391.98 m) 具有顯著相關(r=.587, p<.05) 。慣用腳股四頭肌MVC (279.09±52.30 N.m) ,則與VO2max、衰竭距離都沒有顯著相關 (r=0.162、0.304) 。 K艇與C艇的上下肢慣用側肌力與最大攝氧量、衰竭距離都沒有顯著相關(r=-.137 至.678, P>.05) 。K 艇與C 艇選手的衰竭距離有顯著差異(p<.05) ,但是上下肢 慣用側肌力、最大攝氧量皆沒有差異。結論:基於優秀青少年輕艇選手上肢慣用 側肱二頭肌MVC 與划船器划船衰竭距離的顯著相關,輕艇運動的選才與訓練應 以優先強調上肢肌力。


Abstract Purpose: Investigate the correlation between cardiovascular indices and maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) on dominant upper limb (biceps) and lower limb (quadriceps) of elite teenage canoe players, and further realize the physical characteristics of Kayak and Canoe players, to set a reference for player audition and training. Method: Take 15 excellent canoe players (7 from Canoe, 8 from Kayak) as subjects (Age: 17.53±1.19 years old, height: 172.20±5.57 cm and weight: 66.47±6.94 kg) with a counter-balanced order. The subjects were accepting MVC test (Test by Biodex strength measure system) on dominant biceps and quadriceps, and VO2max task through Dansprint Kayak Ergometer ascending loadings (40 strokes/min and 5 strokes/min in each 2 mins for Canoe, and 70 strokes/min and 10 strokes/min in each 2 mins for Kayak), and also test the total distance travelled when fatigue, each test should at least be resting for 48 hours. Through Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, independent t-test is adopted to compare the difference of dominant limbs between K group and C group with significant levelα as .05. Results: The MVC of dominant biceps MVC (68.09±12.56 N.m) is not significantly related (r=.046) to VO2max (49.46±7.23 ml/min/kg), but significantly related (r=.587, p<.05) to distance to fatigue (1764.87±391.98 m). while MVC of dominant quadriceps MVC (279.09±52.30 N.m) is not significantly related to VO2max and distance to fatigue (r=.162、.304). There is no significantly difference of muscle strength from VO2max or distance to fatigue between K and C group players. (r=.162、.304) ,however, the distance to fatigue for K players and C players is significantly different (p<.05), with other circumstances hold. Conclusions: Since the biceps MVS is significantly related to distance to fatigue for canoe players, the player audition and training should be focused on upper limb muscle strength.


Distance VO2max MVC


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