  • 期刊


Hidden Western Migrant Entrepreneurs in Taiwan: Transcultural Capital, Transnational Network Capital and Legal Constraints




International migration research tends to focus on people of color-that is, the movement of migrants from developing to developed countries. Due to globalization factors and vibrant economies in Asian countries (especially China), significant numbers of white middle class westerners are moving from their home nations to Asia to pursue career and personal growth opportunities. The author gathered quantitative data and conducted in-depth interviews for this study of Western migrant entrepreneurs in Taiwan. Results reveal a significant number of Western migrants establishing businesses in a wide range of sectors, with some focusing on the Taiwan market and others using transcultural and transnational network capital to help Taiwanese businesses connect with global markets. However, due to government regulations, Western migrant entrepreneurs must disguise their businesses as being owned by Taiwanese spouses or friends, or present their firms as foreign investments or multinational corporations, regardless of size. For these reasons, Western migrant entrepreneurs and their businesses remain mostly invisible to the Taiwanese public.
