  • 期刊


Improving the Accuracy of Protection Adopted for Nurses Providing Care upon Yttrium-90 Radioembolization of Hepatic Artery




Purposes: Yttrium-90 microsphere trans-arterial radioembolizationvia the hepatic artery destroys tumors via high dose rate brachytherapy so that nurses risk being exposed to radiation. Reasons for the Current Condition were as follows: 1. On the policy aspect: the lack of execution of standard operation and the relevant education & training, and no regular audits; 2. On the equipment aspect: no suitable measuring paths tools, difficulty in furnishing positioning at wards, failure to offer the standard procedure on the nursing instruction for nurses as well as the patient education pamphlets; 3. On the personnel aspect: low cognition of care, no radiation protection safety education, the worries about radiation injury as well as unclear shift handover. Methods: Draw standard procedure of Yttrium-90 microsphere transarterialradioembolization via hepatic artery, set up cabinet of material, issue the postoperative instructions manual for patients, arrange educational training, and set the standard reference textbook as well as the surveillance mechanism. Results: The results showed that the cognition of care of nurses increased from 48.3% to 96.5% and the accuracy of nursing care increased from 47.8 % to 97.3%. Conclusions: This improvement project can help the nurses to value their own health and safety through strengthening healthcare knowledge of radiation protection and provide appropriate tools to create a safe medical environment and good quality.


Yttrium-90 radiation protection safety Nursing care


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