  • 期刊

Rethinking the Paths toward Developing ESP Practitioners' Specialized Knowledge through the Lens of Genre Analysis


ESP practitioners' knowledge base, especially the role of content knowledge, is a topic of continuing interest in the field. In this paper, I review the distinction between specialist knowledge and specialized knowledge proposed by Fergusson (1997). I examine the three elements of specialized knowledge- knowledge of disciplinary cultures, knowledge of the related epistemological assumptions of the target discipline, and knowledge of the target genre. I problematize the arguments about the pathways toward developing specialized knowledge either stated or alluded to by Fergusson and others. I then point out that genre analysis can not only serve as the path toward developing ESP practitioners' knowledge of the target genre, which is the third element of specialized knowledge, but can also help ESP practitioners develop the other two elements of specialized knowledge- knowledge of disciplinary cultures and knowledge of the epistemological assumptions. I also point out that using genre analysis as the path toward the other two elements of specialized knowledge can be enhanced by studying other related genres. Emphasizing the value of genre analysis can also help ESP practitioners develop a potentially more productive approach to interacting with subject-matter experts. I conclude the paper by encouraging ESP practitioners to engage in research to illuminate how genre analysis can help uncover knowledge of disciplinary culture and knowledge of the related epistemological assumptions.


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