  • 學位論文


Brave Invisible Worlds?- The Rise of Close Circuit Television Systems in Public Spaces in Taiwan

指導教授 : 畢恆達


過去架設在路口用來監視交通流量的錄影監視系統(Close Circuit Television System, 英文簡稱為CCTV)在技術愈形成熟後(與數位化科技系統整合運用),近年來已被大量架設在都市的公共空間(鄰里巷道、公共設施所在地、鐵路與捷運車站等)、半公共空間(消費場所)、私人企業、住宅和社區等,它被視為防治犯罪的利器-這種現象不限台灣,在許多先進國家尤甚。 回顧台灣都市公共空間中CCTV的興起,要以黃主文在內政部長任內倡導的全國性層級的CCTV計劃為起點:1998年推動「建立全國社區治安維護體系-守望相助再出發推行方案」,於同年3月編列預算,而後配合1999年推動的「天羅地網」系統計畫,因此促成CCTV在台灣各都市增設的現況。影響所及,除了在重要路口和治安疑慮地點架設CCTV,CCTV已經被視為基層鄰里不可或缺的維持治安工具。 台灣CCTV市場以2003年為例,總營收成長了17%,成長幅度為所有安防產品之冠,而政府也擬將安防產業定位為策略性工業,IT廠商早已紛紛地投入安防市場。面對由中央、地方政府與安防產業業者聯手建構的數位監視城市,原本讓市民能夠共享都市意義的公共空間已經無可避免地被監視化了。 本論文擬透過經驗研究與文獻資料探索台灣都市公共空間中CCTV興起的現象:由「監視與社區」、「監視與電視」、「監視與安防產頁」等面向闡述CCTV代表的監視機制的變遷,以及它如何與台灣當代都市政治、經濟、媒體與科技緊扣,進而建構了監視社會,並且侵蝕市民社會中各種抵抗的力量。


The close circuit television system (CCTV) has been used to monitor flow rates of traffic. But recently it has been set up in urban public places (for example, community neighborhoods, sites of infrastructures such as railway stations ), semi-public spaces like department stores, private office buildings or houses owned by citizens. People regard it as panacea to prevent crimes. A brief historical retrospect of the rise of CCTV in public spaces in Taiwan took us back to 1998. Minister of Interior Affairs – Huang Zhu-Wen advocated a national blueprint about CCTV, announcing a program to set up the safeguard system. In the same year, he also drew up a budget for that program. In 1999, an enacted project ,Envelopment System,made the CCTV in public spaces increase rapidly and thus it became the indispensable tool for maintaining public order. The profit of CCTV industry in Taiwan grew up 17% in 2003, occupying the highest position in all security industries. Our government is about to position CCTV industry as one of the strategy industries. Many IT enterprises also put it into operation. The central authorities, lower level government administrations, and security industries league together to construct a digital surveillance city. Under the circumstances, meanings of urban public spaces shared by all citizens have been monitored by the electric eyes. I probed into this phenomenon in three dimensions:surveillance and community, surveillance and television, surveillance and security industries. My attempt is to clarify how surveillance mechanisms have been changing, how CCTV has been articulating to the politics, economics, media, science and technology, and how CCTV has been constructing the surveillance society and eroding all powers of resistance from citizens in modern Taiwan cities.


劉紀蕙(1992)〈文化研究的視覺系統〉,《中外文學》,30:12:13-23 。
安全&自動化編輯部(2005.4.4)〈ATM的安全建置〉。[Online] Available:

