  • 學位論文


A study on technology crime-investigation ─ focusing on the right to information privacy of movements in public space

指導教授 : 鄭善印


本文第一章介紹研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法,以及本文結構。第二章說明科技偵查之概念內涵,並介紹各種監視科技類型。同時亦舉出三種偵查機關用以監視人民公共空間行動模式的科技工具,包含GPS追蹤裝置、行動電話通聯記錄基地台分析(MLBS)、監視錄影系統(CCTV)。 第三章提出偵查機關無限制的使用監視科技會對人民公共空間行動資訊隱私權造成不合理之侵害。主要從「資訊自決權」及「資訊隱私權」兩個面向建構「公共空間行動資訊隱私權」之理論基礎。第四章則說明,國內現行法制規範不足之處。第五章介紹及討論美國聯邦刑事訴訟規則第41則、電子通訊隱私權法,聯邦最高法院判例,以及美國律師協會「科技輔助物理監視準則」。 第六章提出我國科技偵查法制建構之芻議及其指導原則。本文主張干預措施層級化與比例原則,即偵查機關採取之基本權干預措施對隱私權侵害越大,其正當理由應越充足,所需達到的門檻應越高。同時介紹美國學者Christopher Slobogin提出的干預門檻四階理論。本文依此理論,就偵查機關運用GPS追蹤裝置、行動電話通聯記錄基地台分析及監視錄影系統,對公共空間行動資訊隱私權的侵害程度設定不同等級的門檻要件。第七章則為本文結論及建議。 最末,附錄一、二,分別收錄自譯之「美國聯邦刑事訴訟規則第41則」及美國律師協會「科技輔助物理監視準則」。附錄三則舉出其他科技之可能運用─以RFID科技為例。試圖說明,當未來RFID科技大量應用在政府公務及商業用途時,對犯罪偵查及資訊隱私權所可能造成之影響。


Over the past several decades, technological advances have vastly expanded the law enforcement’s criminal prevention and investigation ability. The law enforcement has relied on three types of surveillance techniques: GPS tracking device, MLBS and CCTV. First of all, originally designed by the Department of Defense for use by the U.S. military, the GPS provides continuous, highly accurate, and reliable positioning and timing information to users. Nowadays, police could approach a suspect's vehicle, magnetically attach a GPS tracking device to the vehicle's undercarriage, and view data from the device over an Internet website--all unbeknownst to the suspect. Because such systems can last for weeks at a time, police could acquire constant, real-time, precise location information about that vehicle for much longer than they practically might be able to maintain round-the-clock visual surveillance. Secondly, the ubiquity of cell phones has transformed police investigations. Tracking a suspect's movements by following his/her phone is now a common but largely unnoticed surveillance technique. Cellular phones permit law enforcement to identify their users' locations and track their movements. Thus, this thesis’s use of the phrase “MLBS”─for mobile location base station analysis─will refer only to surveillance of the targeted cell phone’s location. lastly, the government uses thousands of video cameras or its commonly accepted abbreviation, “CCTV”─for closed circuit television, to watch and record the movements of the pedestrians or drivers in the public street. All the three technologies involve surveillance of individuals’ movements in public space. This thesis urges that the law enforcement’s unregulated uses of GPS tracking device, MLBS and CCTV invades the right to informational self-determination and privacy right, especially the right to information privacy of movements in public space. To protect information privacy and implement the proportionality principle, this thesis proposes “The Four Tiers theory”, which was addressed by Christopher Slobogin, to reasonably regulate technologically-Assisted criminal prevention and investigation.


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陳秉杉(2011)。警察機關運用監視錄影法制之研究 -以警察執法實務為中心〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100119
