  • 學位論文


A Music Analysis and Interpretation of Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire by Claude Debussy

指導教授 : 李葭儀


阿齊爾-克勞德・德布西(Achille-Claude Debussy, 1862-1918)為二十世紀重要的法國作曲家,一生中共創作了八十餘首法文藝術歌曲,歌詞多採用象徵派詩人的詩作,並在其創作上受到象徵主義的影響,進而發展出獨特的音樂風格。在德布西的聲樂作品中可看出他對於文字的敏銳度及絕佳的文學品味,他善於將法文詩詞語韻的變化寫入音樂中,使音樂與文字緊密結合,成為他藝術歌曲最顯著的特色之一。《波特萊爾的五首詩》(Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire)為德布西1887年至1889年採法國詩人夏爾・波特萊爾(Charles Baudelaire, 1821-1867)的詩作所創作的歌曲,此時期的德布西剛開始探索屬於自己的音樂語言。由於波特萊爾的詩艱深難懂,加上德布西使用非傳統的和聲與節奏等音樂元素,都加深了演唱這組作品的挑戰性。 此詮釋報告從德布西與波特萊爾的生平切入,探究其創作風格的養成,並從演唱者的角度分析詩詞意涵,以此作為樂曲分析及演唱詮釋的依據。透過各方面的探討,更深入了解此部作品中的象徵意義。


Achille-Claude Debussy (1862-1918) was a crucial French composer of the 20th century and he composed more than 80 mélodies during his lifetime. The poems Debussy selected for his mélodies were mostly from the works of symbolist poets. Symbolic poems had a great impact on his composition, contributing to his unique music style. In Debussy’s vocal works we can find his sensitivity in word setting and superb taste in literature. Debussy was good at transforming the nuance of French language into music, combining the music and poem perfectly, which has become the most remarkable feature of his mélodies. Debussy selected five poems of Charles Baudelaire(1821-1867) and composed his Cinq Poèmes de Baudelaire (1887 -1889) during the period when he just began to explore his music style around 1887. Poems of Baudelaire are not easy to understand. In addition to that, Debussy increased technical challenge by using unconventional harmony and rhythm. In this study, the biographies of Debussy and Baudelaire are researched to detect the developments of their artistic styles. And the meaning of lyrics is comprehended from a singer’s perspective as a foundation of music analysis and interpretation. Through this study, we hope to be able to have a better understanding of the symbolic meaning of this work.


Baudealire, Charles. Les fleurs du mal. Paris: Bookking International, 1993.
Bernac, Pierre. The Interpretation of French Song. New York: W. W. Norton, 1978.
Laloy, Laloy. tran. Deborah Priest. Louis Laloy (1874-1944) on Debussy, Ravel, and
Vallas, Léon. Claude Debussy-His Life and Works. New York: Dover Publication,
