  • 學位論文


Correlation among Daily Activities, Quality of Life and Happiness in Community-Dwelling Elders

指導教授 : 許哲瀚


目標:台灣65歲以上老年人人口比率已達10.9%,其老化指數與依賴比逐年攀高,因此關切老年人議題克不容緩。本研究旨在瞭解社區老人的日常生活活動能力、生活品質與主觀幸福感受之相關性,並進一步分析影響幸福感的相關因素。 方法:採橫斷面、敘述相關的研究設計,係以台中市社區65歲以上老人為研究對象,採方便取樣方式。收案前先以簡易心智狀態量表,確定老年人心智狀態符合標準後方進行研究調查。以結構式問卷調查表,包括巴氏量表、工具性日常生活活動量表、生活品質量表及幸福感量表為研究工具,並以一對一之個別訪談方式進行資料蒐集。本研究採用SPSS 17.0之統計套裝軟體,進行描述性及推論性統計分析。 結果:本研究參與對象共300位,研究結果發現基本日常生活活動平均值為91.93±14.53分,以完全獨立佔160位(53.3%)最多。工具性日常生活活動平均值為5.63±2.36分,功能獨立項目最好為「使用電話的能力」(n=262,87.3%),完全需要依賴他人功能項目為「食物製備」(n=175,58.3%)居多。生活品質量表顯示自評健康分數為67.51±17.79分;幸福感量表構面最好的是「正向情感」為1.59±0.71分,最差的是「樂觀」為0.95±0.83分。日常生活活動、生活品質與幸福感間之相關性,採皮爾森積差相關統計分析,得顯著相關性。 結論:高齡長輩的日常生活活動及生活品質愈佳時,對幸福感有正向之影響,結果可作為現行政府在高齡社會來臨之際,在社會福利可採取措施之參考及建議依據。


Objectives: The ratio of over 65 year-old elders has reached 10.9 percent of population in Taiwan. It is therefore to focus the elder research is an important issue because of the climbing numbers of aging index and their dependence year by year. This study aimed to understand the correlation among daily activities, quality of life and subjective happiness in community-dwelling elders, and further to examine their relevant factors for affecting happiness. Methods: The study design was a cross-section and descriptive survey the subjects of age over 65 year-old community-dwelling elders in Taichung City with a convenience sampling method. Before sampling, each subject was reviewed by MMSE met criteria of mental status. The measurement tools employed structured questionnaires of Barthel Index, ADL, IADL, EQ-5D and happiness. Data collected method was an individual face to face interview. Then the data used SPSS 17.0 for descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Results: This study survey had 300 participants. The results showed that the average score of ADL was 91.93 ± 14.53 and 160 (53.3%) participants were fully independent. The average score of IADL was 5.63 ± 2.36 and the best function of the independent was "ability to use the telephone (n = 262, 87.3%),” however, the worst fuction was “ability to food preparation (n = 175, 58.3%).” The health score of self-rated quality of life was 67.51 ± 17.79; the best aspect of happiness was "positive emotion" with average score of 1.59 ± 0.71, and the worst was "optimistic" with 0.95 ± 0.83 respectively. By Pearson correlation statistical analysis, ADL, quality of life and their happiness were positive correlated. Conclusions: The better activities of daily living and life quality of elders have the more postive correlation of happiness. This conclusion can be taken as a reference and suggestion in the social welfare policy of government for upcoming aging society.


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