  • 期刊


Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) in Healthy and Infected Newborns and Infants



LAP score was studied on forty-six healthy newborns, 38 healthy infants, 51 healthy adults, 41 infected newborns and 74 infected infants. Forty-one infected newborns were divided into two groups: (1) fourteen severely infected cases (such as sepsis and purulent meningitis), and (2) twenty-seven mildly infected cases (such as diarrhea, enteritis and respiratory tract infection). Seventy-four infected infants were also divided into two groups: (1) fourteen severely infected cases and (2) sixty mildly infected cases. LAP was stained by modified Rutenburg method and scored from 0 to 4+ by the Kaplow criteria. The results showed: (1) LAP scores in healthy newborns, infants and adults were 149±42 (n=46), 109±43 (n=38 and 74±40 (n=51) respectively. Healthy newborns had LAP scores significantly higher than those of healthy infants and adults (P<0.005) LAP scores in healthy infants were also sign1ficantI higher than those of adults (P<0.01). (2) LAP scores in severely infected newborns and infants were 187±62 (n=14) and 159±72 (n=44) resepctively. In mildly infected newborns and infants, LAP scores were 171±68 (n=27) and and 123±71 (n=60) respectively it showed that LAP scores in severely infected groups were significantly higher than those of healthy control groups (P<0.05), but there were no significant difference between mildly infected groups and healthy control groups (P>0.05). It was also found that severe infection should be considered when newborns and infants had LAP scorer higher than or equal to 190 and 150 respectively. It seems to us that LAP score is a valuable indicator of severe infection in newborn infants.




LAP score was studied on forty-six healthy newborns, 38 healthy infants, 51 healthy adults, 41 infected newborns and 74 infected infants. Forty-one infected newborns were divided into two groups: (1) fourteen severely infected cases (such as sepsis and purulent meningitis), and (2) twenty-seven mildly infected cases (such as diarrhea, enteritis and respiratory tract infection). Seventy-four infected infants were also divided into two groups: (1) fourteen severely infected cases and (2) sixty mildly infected cases. LAP was stained by modified Rutenburg method and scored from 0 to 4+ by the Kaplow criteria. The results showed: (1) LAP scores in healthy newborns, infants and adults were 149±42 (n=46), 109±43 (n=38 and 74±40 (n=51) respectively. Healthy newborns had LAP scores significantly higher than those of healthy infants and adults (P<0.005) LAP scores in healthy infants were also sign1ficantI higher than those of adults (P<0.01). (2) LAP scores in severely infected newborns and infants were 187±62 (n=14) and 159±72 (n=44) resepctively. In mildly infected newborns and infants, LAP scores were 171±68 (n=27) and and 123±71 (n=60) respectively it showed that LAP scores in severely infected groups were significantly higher than those of healthy control groups (P<0.05), but there were no significant difference between mildly infected groups and healthy control groups (P>0.05). It was also found that severe infection should be considered when newborns and infants had LAP scorer higher than or equal to 190 and 150 respectively. It seems to us that LAP score is a valuable indicator of severe infection in newborn infants.
