





The formation of a childhood subgaleal hematoma following a minor head trauma without skull fracture or coagulation disorder is a rather rare condition. An 11 year-old boy war admitted with complaints of generalized headache and diffuse swelling of the scalp. Ten days before admission he fell down, hitting his head on the floor. No vomiting. Drowsiness, or loss of consciousness ensued. Examinatian revealed a diffuse fluctuant swelling extending from the forehead to bilateral parieto-temporal areas. Neurologic examination showed no abnormalities. Aspiration from the swollen scalp yielded non-clotting blood. The prothrombin time partial thromboplastin time, platelet count, bleeding time, coagulation time and fibrinogen level were within normal range. The hematocrit reading was 42%, Roentgenograms of the skull revealed a soft tissue swelling. Cranial CT scan findings were compatible with extracranial bleeding. Fever up to 38.5℃ persisted for 12 days after admission. The head circumference continued to enlarge in a week period to 57 cm and then started to decrease over the next 11 days to 53 cm. The incidence, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of this disease are also discussed.
