  • 期刊


Study on Motivation and Satisfaction of Agricultural Researchers' Participation in Industry-University Cooperation Projects


產學合作係指學術界或研究單位和產業界間共同合作、研發,使理論與實務能有效整合之合作策略,進而達到研究、資源的有效利用及人才培育等之意涵。本研究針對行政院農業委員會所屬試驗改良場所曾進行農業科技產學合作計畫研提人進行問卷調查,調查結果顯示:受訪者對於參與產學合作計畫動機之認同度最高之前三名依序為「研究單位政策」、「瞭解產業需求,開發創新研究主題」及「解決業者研發瓶頸」等,比較偏重政策導向與產業導向,另對於聲望導向與績效導向等,並不是迫切合作之動機。另在滿意度調查方面,受訪者對於農業科技產學合作計畫制度多保持正面的回應 (有39.2%的受訪者表示滿意或非常滿意),但仍有16.4%的受訪者表示不滿意或非常不滿意,並提出改善建議。


The term of Industry-University Cooperation is defined as a joint effort on research and development (R & D) between a research institute and an industry for achieving a common goal of interest to both parties. This study was to conduct a survey on agricultural researchers, affiliated with Council of Agriculture (COA) and with experience in participating in Industry-University Cooperation projects, for understanding their motivation and satisfaction of participation in this type of projects. Results showed that researchers' motivation to participate in Industry-University Cooperation projects was determined most importantly by 'the policy of his/her research institute,' followed by 'the effort to develop innovative research, according to the needs of the industry' and then 'the effort to over-come bottle necks of the project encountered by the industry.' The survey also showed that earning reputation and recognition from participating in this type of projects was not a major interest for researchers. Results of this survey also showed that 39.2% of the researchers survied were satisfied or very satisfied with their participation in Industry-University Cooperation projects, whereas 16.4% of the researchers were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied.
