  • 期刊


Nurses' Innovation Acceptance of Barcode Technology


背景 醫療院所已開始發展條碼科技,以提升醫療品質及行政效率。條碼科技具操作簡單的特性被廣泛運用於病人辨識、給藥確認及檢驗等流程。目的 本研究以科技接受模式與創新擴散理論為架構,探討護理人員對於條碼科技之創新接受度。方法 本研究透過結構式問卷及開放性問題進行資料收集,問卷架構含科技接受模式及創新擴散理論,於2014年3月至5月共收案200位護理師;另也蒐集檢體報告時間及退件率。結果 研究結果顯示,與創新接受度相關(p < .001)為認知有用性(r = .722)與認知易用性(r = .720),其次是可觀察性(r = .579)、最後是相容性(r = .364)及可試用性(r = .344);而N層級的護理師較N1、N2層級的護理師有較正向的接受度(F = 3.95, p <.05)。條碼導入後每筆檢體報告平均花費時間較導入前減少109分鐘(t = 10.03, p < .05);檢體退件率由2.18%下降為0.28%。結論 護理人員對條碼科技具有正向的接受度,且縮短檢體報告時間及降低檢體退件率,但可改善網路速度及工作流程以利臨床作業。


Background: Healthcare organizations have increasingly adopted barcode technology to improve care quality and work efficiency. Barcode technology is simple to use, so it is frequently used in patient identification, medication administration, and specimen collection processes. Purpose: This study used a technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory to explore the innovation acceptance of barcode technology by nurses. Methods: The data were collected using a structured questionnaire with open-ended questions that was based on the technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory. The questionnaire was distributed to and collected from 200 nurses from March to May 2014. Data on laboratory reporting times and specimen rejection rates were collected as well. Results: Variables that were found to have a significant relationship (p < .001) with innovation acceptance included (in order of importance): perceived usefulness (r = .722), perceived ease of use (r = .720), observability (r = .579), compatibility (r = .364), and trialability (r = .344). N-level nurses demonstrated higher acceptance than their N1 and N2 level peers (F = 3.95, p < .05). Further, the mean laboratory reporting time decreased 109 minutes (t = 10.03, p < .05) and the mean specimen rejection rate decreased from 2.18% to 0.28%. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The results revealed that barcode technology has been accepted by nurses and that this technology effectively decreases both laboratory reporting times and specimen rejection rates. However, network speed and workflow should be further improved in order to benefit clinical practice.


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