  • 期刊


Applying Swanson's Theory of Caring to Manage Powerlessness in an Older Patient With Vasculitis




This case report describes a nursing care experience that applied Swanson's Caring Theory to a powerless elderly patient who was suffering from vasculitis problems that had made her incapable of walking and had delayed her discharge from the hospital. The associated health problems, including impaired physical mobility, infection, and powerlessness, were affirmed after an integrated physical, psychological, social, and spiritual assessment was conducted during the nursing care period, which lasted between April 26th and May 5th, 2018. The five categories (knowing, being with, doing for, enabling, maintaining belief) of Swanson's Caring Theory were applied. The patient was encouraged to participate in the treatment plan and motivated to participate in rehabilitation. In addition, the caring capacity and care confidence of family members was enhanced in order to support the patient’s further care after discharge. Furthermore, religious support was involved, which allowed the patient to communicate her emotions, reduce her stress, and achieve spiritual comfort. By providing care in the realms of physiology, psychology, and spirit, the author helped the patient regain her self-worth and enhance her positive beliefs in the future. This case report is hoped to provide medical staffs with a reference for facilitating the recovery of elderly patients experiencing disease-related powerlessness.


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