  • 期刊


ACEF Teaching Strategy of Discourse-based Evaluative Reading: Based on Singapore Chinese Teaching Materials




This paper proposes the ACEF (Analyze-Connect-Evaluate-Feedback) framework for enhancing the teaching of evaluative reading. The authors believe that evaluation is an essential component of reading comprehension as well as higher order thinking competency. Students' performance in evaluation, however, is generally poor due to a lack of relevant teaching strategies and effective inputs. To address the issue, the authors therefore attempt to construct a systematic and operational teaching strategy of evaluative reading and assessment and have come up with the ACEF teaching strategy. In designing the strategy, the authors first analyzed the features of the evaluative questions from Singapore Chinese teaching materials and past examination papers. The evaluative questions were then categorized into two major types according to these features. The ACEF framework encapsulates the skills required to answer the two types of evaluative questions. Under the ACEF strategy, the teaching process begins with the "REAP" reading strategy, to be followed by the ACEF framework for evaluative reading. The framework is complemented with rubrics for assessment of evaluation competency. This paper elaborates the strategy and includes a sample teaching plan. The ACEF strategy was implemented in a school over a span of 1 year and statistics showed positive results. Statistical data will be presented in a separate publication.
