  • 期刊


Ethics of Indigenous Research in Taiwan


本文由台灣曾計畫開放狩獵計畫談論進行原住民研究的論理議題,主張與原住民相關研究的架構應與其民族文化、政治的整體脈絡緊密結合。本文首先批判台灣殖民歷史情境下之知識與研究思維,影響了台灣原住民族群對其相關知識主權的維續。近年來的自然資源管理領域提出了「參與式共管」的方式,而強調原住民在地知識的運用。然而,本論文對此「共管」的內容是否考慮台灣社會中的原住民自主性提出質疑。本文引介紐西蘭毛利原住民提出以原住民為自主與主體之研究方法(Kaupapa Maori),作為思索進行臺灣原住民主體研究的參考。同時兼論外來者研究人員於原住民研究應有的角色,與發展原住民為知識主體典範的應具備客觀性。


This paper discusses the ethics of indigenous research in Taiwan and argues that conducting indigenous-related research ought to be framed according to the indigenous autonomy of knowledge construction. It begins with a critique of the influence of hegemonic power on both research and the construction of knowledge during Taiwan's colonial period, a time when the politics of research impacted negatively upon the sovereignty of the knowledge construction of the indigenous people of Taiwan. In recent years, a 'participatory co-management' approach has been initiated in the sector of natural resource management, with particular stress given to the importance of indigenous knowledge. Despite the relative value of this initiative, this paper is critical of the co-management approach on account of the problematic status that indigenous rights have been obliged to assume in the power-sharing of Taiwan's natural resources. Maori (New Zealand's indigenous people) have developed an autonomous Maori-based research methodology for the construction of knowledge: Kaupapa Maori. Kaupapa Maori is introduced in this paper for the purpose of reflecting more profoundly upon the construction of knowledge in indigenous-related research in Taiwan. The paper concludes with a discussion of the role of non-indigenous research in the indigenous community and the question of what objectivity refers to in indigenous-based research.


