  • 期刊


Research on Vision of Rural Development and Essential Work of Future Home Economics Extension in Taiwan


健全的農業推廣體系涵蓋涉及農村生活改善或農家生活品質提昇的家政推廣,而隨著社會變遷衍生出關乎整體生產、生活與生態情境脈絡的轉變,扮演著推動農業及鄉村朝永續發展邁進的農業推廣,亦已產生了推廣行動與實踐途徑的形變,故本研究以永續發展的理念為主軸,針對未來臺灣鄉村發展的願景目標與家政推廣工作內涵進行探究。整體研析上,除彙整過去迄今臺灣農村家政推廣的重點,並歸納美、日兩國現已界定出關於鄉村生活改善推廣的關鍵議題,做為進一步實證探討的參考依據外,更採「連續性混合方法」研究取徑,首先透過六回合共19 位專家學者的焦點團體訪談,爾後再就208位基層農會家政推廣人員所持看法的結構式郵寄問卷調查,進行臺灣鄉村朝永續發展的本土化願景建構,並以農業推廣體系為行動主體,確立未來家政推廣之重要工作範疇。綜整研究所得確認「綠色生活針對未圈」為適合臺灣鄉村發展的願景,且基此願景架構進一步探析後發現,「在地飲食開發」與「農業傳統技藝傳承」被視為無論在重要性與可行性上,皆應強調的未來家政推廣重要工作。另「農家綠色生活教育」與「家政班組織領導素養」則為家政推廣實務工作者自覺適切可行的項目;至於以推廣人員的角度而言是重要的,但推行上將有跨組織之合作需要者,則包括「農家居住環境改造素養」、「農家健康照護素養」與「農家副業專長能力」等推廣重點。


The accumulating body of evidence indicates an increase in number of organizations of all kinds jointly devoting themselves to the extension of rural life enhancement or so-called home economics extension, which is considered as an integral part of agricultural extension system. Nevertheless, there emerged certain operational problems, typical of public extension organizations and the public agricultural extension system. The current research aimed at agricultural extension services related to the area of rural life enhancement. In specific, vision setting for rural development and future essential work analyses in terms of such extension were primary foci of the present research. In this study, a brief overview of the major switches in work of home economics extension in Taiwan, which occurred over the past half-century or so was first delineated. Additionally, dominant and subsidiary themes associated with rural life enhancement of agricultural extension emphasized in the United States and Japan were identified by an analysis of related literature. Further investigation was developed upon the above-mentioned literature review and conducted using six focus group interviews and a structured questionnaire survey of 208 home economics extension agents currently working at local farmers' associations throughout Taiwan. The vision of making rural communities in Taiwan evolve into a ”green life circle” was highlighted in the results. The representation of ”green life circle” in relation to three key elements of the sustainable development concept was elaborated. Moreover, this study concluded by discussing future essential work of home economics extension as to building a ”green life circle” for sustainable rural development in Taiwan.


