  • 期刊

雞艾美球蟲(Eimeria tenella)可能攜帶新城雞瘟病毒之探討

Studies on the Probability of Eimeria Tenella Carrying Newcastle Disease Virus


為了探求同樣可經口感染並在雞隻腸道內發育的新城雞瘟病毒(Newcastle disease virus, NDV)B1株與Eimeria tenella(E. tenella)球蟲共同感染時,病毒是否可感染或出現在球蟲發育期的某個階段如裂殖體(schizont)、配子體(gametocyte)、卵囊(oocyst)等時期,以了解利用重組病毒作為球蟲防治的可能性,而能徹底解決球蟲的問題,以及了解球蟲對新城雞瘟病毒在流行病學上所扮演的角色,所以選取10日齡SPF(specific pathogen free)小雞,經口投予E. tenella以及NDV。攻毒後,採取盲腸等臟器,經冷凍切片、間接免疫螢光抗體染色、以及H&E染色後,在盲腸的黏膜層可見E. tenella的裂殖體(schizont)、配子體(gametocyte)、以及卵囊(oocyst)並且有新城雞瘟病毒之特異螢光反應。此外,將雞隻重覆給予E. tenella後,定期採血,並以血球凝集抑制試驗(HI)測定新城雞瘟抗體力價後,也可在雞隻體內檢測出新城雞瘟的抗體。另外一方面,當E. tenella與NDV共同感染後,會降低卵囊排出的數量以及芽胞化的比例。由以上的結果可知:E. tenella的各個生活時期均能攜帶新城雞瘟病毒,而且E. tenella對於新城雞瘟病毒在流行病學上也有其重要性。


We investigated the probability of Eimeria tenella (E. tenella) carrying Newcastle disease virus (NDV) by simultaneous infection of 10-day-old chickens with E. tenella and NDV. Immunofluoresence staining was used to detect the presence of NDV in E. tenella. Positive immunofluorescent reactions against NDV were observed in schizonts, gametoeytes and zygotes of E. tenella. SPF (specific pathogen free) chickens repeatly inoculated with sporulated oocyst from wild strains of E. tenella or from E. tenella-NDV infected chickens revealed positive antibody reaction of NDV. Moreover, E. tenella-NDV infected chickens showed a reduction of excreted oocyst number and sporulation rate. The results indicated a probability that E. tenella can contain NDV components and thus might play an important role in the epizootiology.


