  • 期刊


The Characteristics of Temperature in Taiwan during 1997-2010


Surface measurements from 23 synoptic stations and 95 automatic stations of Central Weather Bureau are used to analyze climatic features of annual, monthly and hourly mean temperature in Taiwan area from 1997 to 2010. The annual and monthly mean temperatures are mainly controlled by altitude and latitude. The station altitude has a strong relationship with the station temperature (p < 0.05). As the station altitude is higher, the station temperature is lower. The annual mean of temperature lapse rates for all stations, stations over the plain areas and stations over the mountain areas are -5.21, -8.20 and -4.77℃/km, respectively. Compared with station temperatures over mountain areas (heights more than 400 m), those over plain areas (heights less than 400 m) have a stronger relationship (p < 0.05) with latitude. The temperature change relative to latitude for stations over plain areas is -0.73 ℃/latitude, which implies a decrease of 0.73℃ for one degree of northward latitude movement.Similar to annual mean temperature, the monthly mean temperature shows a gradual temperature decrease from the plain areas to mountain areas and from the south to the north, and the seasonal temperature change from monsoon systems. Over the plain area, temperature in March-May increases more in the west than in the east. During the northeast monsoon, temperatures in September-November decreases quickly in the north and northeast areas and those decreases slowly in the southeast area due to the mountain barrier. Further examination of temperature in local areas with stations over two east-west directed lines shows that besides the altitude, latitude and monsoons, the local temperature distributions might be affected by different geographical conditions such as surrounding topography, sea surface temperature, cloud cover and prevailing wind (wind speed and wind direction, and local wind systems such as returned seasonal wind, sea-land breeze or mountain-valley breeze).


台灣 溫度 高度 緯度


Surface measurements from 23 synoptic stations and 95 automatic stations of Central Weather Bureau are used to analyze climatic features of annual, monthly and hourly mean temperature in Taiwan area from 1997 to 2010. The annual and monthly mean temperatures are mainly controlled by altitude and latitude. The station altitude has a strong relationship with the station temperature (p < 0.05). As the station altitude is higher, the station temperature is lower. The annual mean of temperature lapse rates for all stations, stations over the plain areas and stations over the mountain areas are -5.21, -8.20 and -4.77℃/km, respectively. Compared with station temperatures over mountain areas (heights more than 400 m), those over plain areas (heights less than 400 m) have a stronger relationship (p < 0.05) with latitude. The temperature change relative to latitude for stations over plain areas is -0.73 ℃/latitude, which implies a decrease of 0.73℃ for one degree of northward latitude movement.Similar to annual mean temperature, the monthly mean temperature shows a gradual temperature decrease from the plain areas to mountain areas and from the south to the north, and the seasonal temperature change from monsoon systems. Over the plain area, temperature in March-May increases more in the west than in the east. During the northeast monsoon, temperatures in September-November decreases quickly in the north and northeast areas and those decreases slowly in the southeast area due to the mountain barrier. Further examination of temperature in local areas with stations over two east-west directed lines shows that besides the altitude, latitude and monsoons, the local temperature distributions might be affected by different geographical conditions such as surrounding topography, sea surface temperature, cloud cover and prevailing wind (wind speed and wind direction, and local wind systems such as returned seasonal wind, sea-land breeze or mountain-valley breeze).


Taiwan Temperature Altitude Latitude Wind
