  • 期刊


Writing Practices and the Civil Service Recommendation System: A Study on Reference Memorials of the Six Dynasties




人倫品鑑 六朝 收訊者 發訊者 薦表


Reference memorials 薦表 were one form of memorial presented to the emperor to recommend candidates for civil service positions. In addition to spontaneous recommendations, most reference memorials were presented on account of imperial decrees. The opportunity to present these memorials was limited to official s of the fifth rank and above, and among the recommended candidates, the majority were of humble birth and not qualified under the nine-rank system implemented during the Wei and Jin dynasties, thus becoming officials via reference memorials. Yet as the recommendation system emancipated candidates from the nine-rank system in the Southern dynasties, those of pedigree also became the subject of reference memorials. These memorials also emphasized the division between literati and civilians, as well as valuing literary and artistic talent and heightening fictionalized writings on virtue such as using landscapes as allegory, which caused them to differ from those of the Wei and Jin dynasties. In another regard, character appraisal had prevailed since the Han dynasty, but whether it was the predominant factor in the selection of officials varied over time. From classical studies of the Han dynasty and "pure conversation" 清談 of the Wei and Jin dynasties to the Southern dynasties system for selecting officials based on essays , one can realize how character appraisal and reference memorial writing influenced each other by analyzing how candidate were described within these memorials.


漢.蔡邕撰,明.程榮校,《獨斷》,收入(日)長澤規矩也解題,《和刻本漢籍隨筆集》第10 冊,東京:汲古書院,1974。
