  • 學位論文


Study on the Arising and the Affecting of Historiography during Six Dynasties through Academic Interaction

指導教授 : 張蓓蓓先生


六朝史學之大盛,歷來頗受注意。面對此一重要的學術史現象,本文關注的焦點在於:六朝史學究竟以什麼樣的面貌,確立其於當時的學術價值?同處一個時代,學術之間本當有所互涉,而六朝既處於一個各種學術俱成氣候的階段,其時整個學術環境亦煥發著一種彼此交涉、互有進退的活潑氛圍。史學在這樣的學術環境中蔚為大觀,其運會之形成,與其他三種學術的交涉互動,必是一個重要的學術因緣;這不但使其在與他種學術的交涉中益發確立其學術面貌,同時也延展其觸角而影響及於其他學術。故本文取徑「學術交涉」,意在藉由分別鉤稽史學與經學、子學及文學之互動狀況,豁顯史學之所以能卓然自立於六朝的因緣際會,此言其「形成」;同時,也觀察史學對於其它學術的影響,此言其「延展」。簡言之,本文討論以六朝史學內蘊為核心焦點,取徑學術交涉以觀其形成與延展,希望能進一步了解六朝史學大盛現象的諸般因果。 研究方法上,本文分於二、三、四章中,討論史學與經學、子學及文學的交涉及互動。第二章談經學與史學的交涉。本章先討論經與經學的原始性質,見出經與經學的歷史意蘊。其後,則探究經史交涉在兩漢以後及晉代的進展,並結合當世的玄學風尚及政治情況,看出史學所展現的經世之用,以明史繼經起的學術大勢。第三章談子學與史學的分合轉化。本章先溯源司馬遷「成一家之言」所樹立之亦「子」亦「史」的典範,比觀六朝時人「立言不朽」心態之承襲及其轉變;同時,並討論六朝著作於子、史取徑間的變化,說明六朝時期子的滑落與史之繼起。其後,以「子不離史」與「史不離子」兩方面對立而言,更進一步探討子學與史學學術性質的複雜糾葛,並提呈史學轉承失落之子家精神的積極意義。第四章談文學與史學的互動。本章先檢討劉知幾與蕭統不同的文史區隔觀,見出文史看來混淆的界限,在不同的眼光辯證下越顯清晰。接著,以史家擅文之例證說明文之於史的關涉,又以文學作品的歷史性,說明史學觸角的延展。最後,則以史學作品為例,申論其中的文學意涵,總觀文學寄跡於史學的新發展。藉由上述的討論,本文希望能將史學的面貌在與經學、子學及文學的互動中,有什麼樣的繼承、轉化與延展,作一清楚的交代;冀能從學術交涉的角度上,嘗試提出史學何以大盛於此時,而又能輻射其學術影響的現象與原因。


學術交涉 六朝史學 經史 子史 文史 四部 史部


The arising of Historiography during Six Dynasties has been considerably noticed. Facing this vital academic phenomenon, this thesis is interested in that with what kind of complexion Historiography built up its own value in Six Dynasties. During this period, the atmosphere of academia was vigorous, and the interaction between Four-division Classifications was also thickly proceeding. That must have been an important environment where Historiography was not only gradually forming its complexion but also affecting other academic field. Therefore, this thesis tried to study the arising and the affecting of Historiography during Six Dynasties through academic interaction which included how Historiography interacted with Classics, Zi Studies, and Literature at that period. The topics this thesis canvassed are as below. In the second chapter, Classics has been discussed and confirmed its original historical character. Subsequently, this chapter probed into the progress of the interaction between Classics and Historiography after Han Dynasty and Chin Dynasty. Meanwhile, this chapter also discussed about how Historiography developed its practical significance with inheriting the spirit of falling Classics while metaphysical thinking was in vogue at that time. In the third chapter, the study traced back to Sz Ma Chian who established a patron saint in both Zi Studies and Historiography by writing “History Records”. Through this point of view, the mindset of setting up words for permanence of people during Six Dynasties could be comparatively figured out, and what they have followed or changed could also be noticed. Moreover, observing in what way the writings have been done could prove the decline of Zi Studies and the bloom of Historiography, so this chapter then made a study of the intimate relationship between Zi Studies and Historiography to further treat about the complication of them. In this way, this chapter meditated showing how Historiography actively succeed to Zi Studies’ falling spirit. The forth chapter concerned about the interaction between Literature and Historiography. This chapter started with making a review of different view of segmentation toward Literature and Historiography. Subsequently, the study observed various aspects of their interaction to see how they affect each other, and keep an eye on the trend of the prosperous literary development. In sum, this thesis is aiming at making a thorough inquiry, and trying to give an account for the factor of the formation and the effect of Historiography of Six Dynasties.




