  • 期刊


Encouraging Loyalty: Zhaozhong Ci Sacrifice Rituals and Writings on Death and Violence in the Qing Dynasty




清代 昭忠祠 祀典 暴力 忠義


This article discusses the sacrifice rituals and "register of sacrifices" 祀典 of Zhaozhong ci 昭忠祠 (Manifest or Illuminating Loyalty Shrines) in the Qing dynasty by adopting a dual approach, namely investigating its system and texts. In one respect, this article clarifies the evolution of the system as well as explaining the context regarding the formation and development of a textual group of "loyal figures" 忠義(忠烈)人物; and in another, it proves the ceremonial system of Zhaozhong ci underwent internal and external changes by describing the connotations and spiritual transformations of writings on loyal figures. The increasingly flourishing of the sacrifice ritual system of Zhaozhong ci and writings on violence as well as their interaction with politics, society, culture, and psychology reveal that the ritual and shrine maintained a certain position and influence in many aspects in the late Qing dynasty. Based on such understanding, the author further explores the generation, development, and spread of a culture of violence through the connotations of "death" and "violence" found within related texts, attempting to present an aspect of violent psychology that was increasingly pervasive throughout society of the late Qing dynasty.


清.不著撰人,《(光緒)臺灣通志》,《臺灣文獻叢刊》第 130 種,臺北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室,1962,據臺灣省立臺北圖書館藏原稿本標點排印。
清.允祹等撰,《欽定大清會典則例》,《景印文淵閣四庫全書》史部第 622 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983-1986。
清.尹泰等撰,《大清會典.雍正朝》,《近代中國史料叢刊三編》第 78 輯,臺北:文海出版社,1994-1995。
清.弘曆,《清高宗御製文》第 2 冊,《故宮珍本叢刊》第 569 冊,海口:海南出版社,2001,據清乾隆六十年(1795)殿本影印。
