  • 期刊


The Application of Hot Ironing to the Surface Processing -of Wood and Wood Based Material





中密度纖維板 熱燙 粗糙度 硬度 色差 光澤度 濕潤性


The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the temperature and pressure of hot iron processing on the surface properties of rubber wood and medium density fiberboard (MDF). The surface properties examinedin this study include roughness, hardness, wettability, gloss and color. The experimental results obtained are summaried as follows: 1. The effect of hot ironing on the surface properties of MDF is improved by in. creasing the temperature. When the temperature is above 150°C, the improved effectiveness obtained by pretreating MDF with lacquer sealer is better than that without pretreatment. 2. The surface roughness of MDF decreases by increasing the number of hot iron processmg. 3. The surface hardness and contact angle of rubber wood increase as a function of the temperature and pressure of hot iron processing 4. The surface roughness of rubber wood decreases by increasing the temperature and pressure of hot iron processing , whereas the changes in color and gloss increase by increasing the temperature and pressure of hot iron processing.
