  • 期刊


Case Study on Layout Planning of the Finishing Line in Wooden Furniture Factory



為求盤式輸送塗裝線配置合理化,以確保塗裝品質,減少重工、搬運、等待等浪費。本文以個案工廠前後各配置一條盤式輸送塗裝線,其中一條先行模擬測試再規劃安裝並試裝紅外線加熱乾燥,並試與包裝輸送帶連線,達到不等待、不推置、不落地、隨即包裝的作業狀況。結果釉塗裝(Glaze)擦拭後經紅外線照射54秒即可將殘存於導管內的油脂釋出,可避免塗裝完成後再釋出之情形發生。採用拉卡塗料宜著重於噴塗後進入烘房前之揮散時間,揮散時間七分鐘以上,即可將烘房溫度調至55℃以上。A線全長634 m、B線塗裝線全長466 m皆可直接包裝並無黏著現象;就輸送線之長度、盤數與烘房之購入成本比較,則B線較A線少新台幣1199200元。另外,僅於釉塗裝擦拭後第一道底漆之前,經紅外線乾燥結果,對於塗膜附著力及光澤度並無明顯差異。


紅外線 揮散時間 配置規劃


In order to reduce the waste of re-work, transportation, waiting time and ensure the reasonable layout of pallet finishing conveyor system, the case study of installing the system in factory. One conveyor was installed the IR which was simulated and tested. Also, to follow the idea of no waiting, deck and ground, the system was connected to package conveyor system. As a result, after glaze and 54 seconds of IR treatment, the residual resins in pores could be released. Special attention must be paid to the flash time before entering the oven and after the application of NC lacquer finishing. After 7-minute flash time, the oven temperature could raise to 55 degree centigrade. A-line and B-line could directly use product package and showed no sticky problems. They had 634 and 466 meters respectively. Comparison of the cost of length, pallet number and oven room, B-line was the cheaper than A-line for N. T. $1199200. Also there was no significant effects on the gloss and adhesion of finishing film as applying IR between glaze and first sealer.


IR Flash time Layout planning
