  • 期刊


Current Status on the ISO Certifications of Taiwan Forest Products Industry





The major purpose of this study was to investigate current status and the owner's behavior of the Taiwan forest products industry toward ISO 14001 and ISO 9000 certifications. Results showed that only few companies surveyed have applied ISO 14001 (8.2%) and ISO 9000 (28.8%) certifications. Despite half of the companies that have acquired ISO certifications suffered from increase in costs and 50.0 (ISO 9000) to 77.8% (ISO 14001) of them have altered production management, 83.3% (ISO 9000 and ISO 14001) of them declared progress in production efficiency due to compliance with ISO standards. ISO certifications were esteemed beneficial to the development of these companies (mean= 5.3 and 6.0 on a 0-6 scale). The small production capacity the major reason that accounts for the low compliance rate with ISO standards. Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action, owner's intentions of applying ISO certifications in the near future for companies not yet received such certifications were rather low, with mean= 1.0 (ISO 14001) and 1.4 (ISO 9000) on "-3 to +3 scale, respectively. Generally, the Taiwan forest products industry holds overall positive attitudes toward ISO certifications, with mean= 1.2 (ISO 14001) and 1.5 (ISO 9000) respectively. The major underlying beliefs of these attitudes are "compliance with ISO standards improve the environmental protection image of the industry" and "the execution of ISO certifications demand the participation of stockholders". Prediction of owner's attitudes toward ISO certifications based on belief strengths and their evaluation outcomes, indicates the Theory of Reasoned Action can partly be used to interpret corporate decision-making mechanism.
