  • 期刊


Type Analysis of the Recycled Product-A Case Study on Wooden Furniture



資源回收再利用是世界共同的趨勢,在美國及日本等先進國家雖然有豐富的森林資源,但是對於廢木料的資源化問題相當的重視,且已經有規劃的再利用這些廢棄的木材資源;台灣地區的廢棄木材雖然沒有美國和日本多,因為本身的木造建築物不到百分之一,但就都市固體廢棄物與工業廢棄物中,木材廢料的量也是一個可觀的數目。木質資源是一種藉著自然資源與其本身生命力,省能源且可大量再生之生物資源。木質資源因其組成元素50%為碳元素,所以木材是一種碳素儲存庫,合理的利用木材資源不僅能節省資源,更能達到環境保護的目的。本研究係針對此議題,經由專家舉薦進行台南縣政府藏金閣、嘉義皇旭企業及鹿港的全仔工坊等個案研究與舊料再製產品的攝影及訪談,並將專訪資料進行彙整歸納,得到下列分析的結果:1. 產品價值不因回收材料而降低:主要是因為回收材料的製作運用純熟的技術、品質精緻;在產品表現形式上,著重彰顯舊料新作及其本身產生的古意盎然、藝術與歷史價值,讓顧客感覺到超越理性的感性價值,以及突顯老舊材料重製的家具本身所具有的收藏價值。2. 減少原木砍伐維護自然生態:個案研究顯示,國內現在對於木料回收部份,不論業者或是政府單位皆已注意到此一問題存在;資源回收再利用是愛惜自然資源,減輕環境負荷,建立資源永續利用之重要工作,亦為邁入已開發國家之重要指標之一。3. 永續資源整合提升環保效益:由本研究之個案充分顯示,節約自然資源使用,減輕環境負荷,有助於達成垃圾「全分類、零廢棄」的目標,建立資源永續利用的社會。


Recycling for reuse is the common trend around the world, There are abundant forest reserves in trough the advanced countries, such as U. S. A. and Japan etc. But quite pay attention to discarding the timber to change into natural resources, And has already planned how to reuse discarded timber; Taiwan is discarded timber less than in U. S. A. and Japan, Because the wooden building are less than 1%, The offal of the city and industry, the quantity of the discarded timber is a considerable figure. Wooden resource is the one kind to save energy and a large amount of recycling material via natural resources and one's own vitality. At 50% of wooden resources are the carbons elements, so that is a kind of carbon element storehouse, Proper using recycle timber are not only save resources, but also can achieving the purpose of environmental protection? This study is based on against this topic, through the case study of recommendation by professional and old discarded timber's picture, Gather together and summing up the data of special visit, get the result of the following: 1. The value of the products are not reduced because of recycling: Mainly because of The skillful technology, exquisite quality; form of expression of the products, reflect emphatically for recycling for reuse and full of the old style artistic and historical value Let the customer feel that perceptual value surmounts reason, and the reserve value of the furniture that the old material- is making again it is conspicuous. 2. Reduced the log and cut down to safeguard the natural ecology: The case study showing, no matter the industry or the government has all already notice the problem of timber recycle; recycling for reuse is treasure the natural resources, lighten environmental load, It is to set up resource continuous utilization that is one of the important indexes in the advanced countries. 3. The integration of the resources improves the environmental protection benefit: The case of this study fully shows, Economize natural resources, lighten environmental load, contribute to reaching the goal that classifying of the rubbish completely, zero is discarded, build up a Society that resource continuous utilization.


