  • 期刊


Decomposition of Six Kinds of Green Foliage and Its Nutrient Dynamics in Fushan Broadleaf Forest


選擇台灣中低海拔森林常見的4種闊葉樹長葉木薑子(Litsea acuminate)、單刺苦櫧(Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f. sessilis)、黃杞(Engelhardia roxburghiana)、山龍眼(Helica formosana)及1種針葉樹杉木(Cunninghamia konishii)的葉片,另以上述前3種闊葉樹種以等重葉片混合爲材料的混合葉片,共計6種葉片,以枝葉包法在台灣北部的福山闊葉林內進行分解研究。各樹種分解初期化學性質有顯著差異。葉片在分解初期(前190天)乾重快速下降,樹種間有顯著差異,此後分解趨緩。在900天時,所有樹種剩餘重量降至約12%或以下。木質素在分解前360天濃度上升,然後下降。各種養分剩餘重量以鉀最低,氮大致上最高。混合葉片的枝葉包在分解時,樹種間交互作用並不明顯。杉木在分解360天期間剩餘重量高於其他闊葉樹種,顯示在亞熱帶針葉樹葉片分解仍然較慢。在各項初期化學性質中僅氮濃度與分解速率呈正相關,此與溫帶地區木質素對分解速率有重大影響不同,但福山森林影響分解的化學因素尚無定論。


Six kinds of green foliages, including 4 broadleaf tree species, one conifer, and one mixture of broadleaf species, were selected to examine the decomposition processes. Four broadleaf species are Litsea acuminate, Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii f. sessilis, Engelhardia roxburghiana, and Helica formosana and one coniferous species is Cunninghamia konishii, which are very common species in middle and low elevation of Taiwan. The mixture was made of the three former broadleaf species by equal foliar mass. The experiment was conducted by the litterbag method in the Fushan broadleaf forest in northeastern Taiwan. The initial chemical qualities differed significantly among species. The leaves decomposed quickly and mass remaining differed among species during the first 190 days decomposition, and the decomposition rates were slow down then. After 900 days decomposition the mass remaining dropped to 12% or lower for all species. The lignin concentration increased during the first 360 days and decreased then. The mass remaining of K was the lowest and that of N was generally the highest among nutrients. As foliage mixed with 3 species the interaction among species during decomposition was very slight. The mass remaining of Cunninghamia konishii was higher than those of broadleaf leaves during first 360 days decomposition, which showed the coniferous leaf decomposed also slower than did broadleaf leaf in the subtropical region. The initial N concentration by itself showed the positive relationship with decomposition rate, which differed from the significant influences of lignin on decomposition rate in temperate region. But which chemical quality factors affect the decomposition rate in the Fushan forest is still inconclusive.


