  • 期刊


Differences of Ant Community Composition in Tree, Floor and Litter among Adjacent Natural Broad-leaved Forest and Plantations


溪頭自然教育園區鳳凰山,同時存在三種不同植被類型森林生態系統(天然闊葉林、改植後之竹林、柳杉人工林),不同植被生態系統會影養當地生物群落的結構和功能。螞蟻因物種多樣性高、個體數量多、生物量大、容易採集且分佈廣泛,在陸域生態系中亦佔有重要之地位,適合做為簡單而有效的指標生物。本研究針對臺大實驗林溪頭自然教育園區鳳凰山中三種不同植被類型之森林生態系統,皆採用掉落陷阱、落葉袋陷阱、樹幹環形掉落式陷阱的螞蟻相調查,並探討螞蟻相與林相組成之間的關係。結果發現天然闊葉林的螞蟻種類數均較其他兩種林相多,顯示天然闊葉林的螞蟻豐富度較高。三種林相的螞蟻群聚組成有明顯差異,顯示三種林相已發展出不同的螞蟻生態系統。三種採集方法以落葉袋陷阱採到的螞蟻豐富度和豐度最高,但掉落陷阱中會採獲落葉陷阱沒有出現的螞蟻物種,因此共同使用掉落陷阱、落葉袋陷阱等兩種採集方法可以使獲得較完整地棲螞蟻資料,而樹幹環形掉落式陷阱所採集到的螞蟻種類, 可以瞭解那些螞蟻種類會在灌木層活動。


The Xitou Nature Education Area consists three forest ecosystems (natural broad-leaved, Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation and bamboo plantation forests). To understand how different forest ecosystems affect the biological community structure and function, we surveyed the diversity of ants by winkler bags, pitfall traps, and circle trunk pitfall traps in the aforementioned forests. Ants are one the species that possess high diversity, numerous individuals, large biomass, easily to be collected, distributing widely and important position in terrestrial ecosystems so their species composition has been widely used as simple and useful biological indicators. By investigating the relationship between ant diversity and the three forest ecosystems, we found that the natural broad-leaved forest had the highest ant species number and richness, and the species composition was significantly different in the three ecosystems. Moreover, results showed that ant species collected by circle trunk pitfall traps had the ability to detect ant species active in bush layer. In addition, among the three traps, winkler bags could collect ants with highest richness and abundance, but some ant species was only found by pitfall traps. As a result, we suggest using winkler bags and pitfall traps together to help obtain more complete ants species composition.
