  • 期刊


On the Survey and Plan of Slopeland Residential Area , of Chou-sue Lane, Taken


山坡地開闢作社區乃近年來之新趨勢,由於山坡地之地形及自然環境異於平地,因此嚴重之冲蝕與崩塌之發生,乃給山坡地社區開發之水土保持工作,帶來一項新的挑戰。本計劃乃說此問題,選定台中大坑一山坡地,從事山坡地社區開發之水土保持問題,提出一規劃研究,其結果建議如下:1. 地形因子:坡度30%似可作為山坡地社區開發之最高允許標準,但仍需配合土壤力學特性,作適當之修正。2 地質因子:地質構造與岩性為決定是否適宜作為坡地社區之兩主要因子,尤以地質構造較岩性更具影響力。地層傾向與地形傾向一致者,應避免開發作社區。3.安全排水:暴雨之截流與適當之排水設施,應以避免地表水滙流入社區內為宜。4.坡面處理:事前之坡面安定調查為一不可或缺之步驟,水管式傾斜計為最簡便之調查方法之一。而坡面之穩定工作可分三方面來考慮,即1外力之支持,如擋土牆; 2自重之減輕,如適度之挖方;3地下水之排除與利用。5.水土保持:開挖後坡面之植生覆蓋,道路邊坡之保護及社區周圍之水土保持整體規劃。




A tendency of developing slopeland for residential dwellings has been strongly grown in recent years due to population pressure and fast growth of commercial and industrial development in Taiwan. Owing to the natural circumstances, such as topography, precipitation and geological formation of slopeland are different from those of plain area, the severe soil erosion and landslide on developed area are new challenge brought to the soil conservationist. A typical slopeland in Taken, Taichung City was selected for this pilot study to work out the technical know-hews on slopeland residential area and formulate integrated criteria that could be applied to the development of slopeland residential area. The results and .the recommendations are shown as follows: 1. A slope of 30% seemed to be selected as upper limit for a slopeland to be developed as a residential area, and an adjustment of slope in accordance with mechanical characteristics of soil which could influence the failure of slope is necessary. 2. Geological structure and rock feature were the main factors determining availability of a slopeland to be developed as a residential area. Especially, the geological structure should be avoided to develop a residential area on a dip slope. 3. Stormwater and surface run-off in adjacent to the developing are should be intercepted and drained away to a safe place. 4. Pre-investigation on stability of slopeland to be developed by piping tilting gauge is necessary and a approach. For stabilizing the cut and fill slope of the developing area should consider from such ways as: a. weight reducing, b. groundwater level lowering and c. engineering structures are applicable measures. 5. Strengthening soil conservation facilities, such as road banks protection and drainage system in the vicinity of the developing area is necessary.


