  • 期刊


Effect of Drip Irrigation, Soil Conservation Practices and Fertilization on Growth of Grapefruit of Slopeland III. Effect on Soil Physical Properties


本試驗旨在探討百喜草覆蓋及敷蓋初期,對坡地果園紅壤一般物理性之影響,茲將試驗結果簡摘如下:(1)百喜草帶狀覆蓋區如配合敷蓋處理,有利於改進草帶區之滲透速率。新化試區於百喜草種植26個月後,發現百喜草帶狀覆蓋區、敷蓋區及未敷蓋區的初滲透速率分別爲12 mm/min,8 mm/min及6 mm/min,而達平衡時的滲透速率則分別爲1.6 mm/min,1.0 mm/min及0.8 mm/min。(2)覆蓋區之總體密度(假比重)、孔隙率、團粒穩定度及飽和導水度與其他處理之差異均達顯著平準,而敷蓋區除飽和導水度不顯著外,其他土壤物理性質均達顯著差異平準。(3)高覆蓋度顯有助於提高土壤通氣性,全園覆蓋區(95%覆蓋度),15公分深度之土壤氧氣濃度,無論是四月份(未下雨)或七月份(下雨後),均高達19%左右,且高於其他處理。淨耕區在雨後所測得的氧氣濃度已降低2%左右,顯示百喜草根系發達,有利於提高土壤通氣性。




The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of two year's Bahia covering and mulching on the change of soil physical properties on slopeland. The field experiments were carried out on the slopeland at Hsinhua Forest Station of National Chung Hsing University in Southern Taiwan during the year of 1982-84. A split block was designed with soil conservation practices as the main treatment and fertilizer application rate as the subtreatment. Results obtained from this study may be summarized as follows: 1. After twenty six months of Bahia covering and mulching, the soil showed some beneficial changes on the physical properties in which soil porosity, aggregate stability, and saturated water conductivity were significantly improved. 2. Infiltration rate for the treatment of Bahia covering had the highest value of 16 mm/min at beginning of measurement, and of 1.8 mm/min at the end. Mulching with Bahia grass showed an infiltration rate of 8 mm/min at beginning and of 1.0 mm/min at the end. Clean or bare cultivation performed the lowest infiltration rate of 6 mm/min in the beginning and of 0.8 mm/min at the end. 3. The oxygen content of soil was measured at depth of 15 cm of surface soil after rain. Bahia covering also increased the oxygen content in soil to 19% as compared with 17% of clean cultivation treatment.


