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Development of a New Glutinous Rice Vaviety "Taikeng Glutinous No. 3"




水稻 稉型糯稻 台稉糯3號


A new japonica rice variety ”Taikeng Glutinous 3” was developed by Chiayi Branch Station of the Tainan Disrict Agricultural Station in June, 1995. This variety was selected from the cross between J752019 and Taikeng Glutinous 1 in 1987. The breeding line was named ”Taikeng yuh 9386” in 1989 from the pedigrees of that cross for further experiment. The observational, preliminary, advanced and the regional yield trials, as well as other screen testing of this line were conducted between 1890 and 1994. After evaluation by the Committee of Registration for New Rice Varieties of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry, ”Taikeng Yuh 9386” was finally named as ”Taikeng Glutinous 3” in June, 1995, This medium to late maturing variety is characterized with the merits of stable and high yielding, resistant to lodging, good grain and cooking quality, and having acceptable shattering rate.
