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Harvesting Performance of the Introduced Tractor-Operated Peanut Harvester and Thresher


本試驗目的為測試自美國引進之Ferguson挖掘振動成行機與Lilliston落花生脫莢機二段收穫的田間作業效率及收穫莢果之外觀品質,根據實際操作結果,以株高30公分以上,不倒伏之落花生品種為佳,田土以砂質壤土較適合機械操作。機械作業能量二段合計82年春作為5.20 hr/ha,秋作4.90 hr/ha,83年春作為5.71 hr/ha,83年秋作為5.05 hr/ha,平均5.22 hr/ha,作業所需工時為人工收穫之1/58,亦即每小時可收穫0.20公頃。田間損失率82年春作為8.2%,秋作為4.5%。83年春作為1.4%,83年秋作為1.4%,平均為3.9%。有關機械收穫之莢果外觀品質試驗,本試驗經過機械調整後收穫之莢果破損率為7.7%,收穫機械運轉速度不同致使莢果破損率而有所差異,為因應將來農村勞力嚴重不足,降低生產成本及可能之農場規模擴大等問題,二段式落花生收穫機可提供除了國產落花生收穫機外的另一項選擇。


In order to get the best operation condition of the peanut harvester and thresher including two machines of digger shaker inverter (Ferguson CD 80-2) and thresher (Lilliston Bush Hog 7500), this study took the comparison between hand and mechanical harvesting efficiency and made the investigation of damaged pod ratio after threshing. The results of this study were summarized as follows:1. The operating capacity of hand harvesting was 58 times than the operating capacity of mechanical harvesting. The operating capacity of mechanical harvesting by harvester and thresher were 5.22 hr/ha.2. The result of this experiment showed that Lilliston thresher has a better efficiency of less cracked hull but 7.7% of damaged and 3.9% of un-pick after picking. It should take further improvement in the future.


Peanut Harvest Harvester Thresher
