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Study on combining non-mother and mother stalk culture techniques for year round production of asparagus in the greenhouse


蘆筍為營養及經濟價值皆高之蔬菜,臺灣蘆筍罐頭出口量雖在1980 年曾佔世界貿易量70%以上,但近十多年來生鮮蘆筍進口量卻高於年交易量70%。主要因露天蘆筍生產易受颱風豪雨危害,且受低溫影響致產期侷限於每年4 ~ 10 月,無法周年穩定生產供應。故本研究策略係應用設施生產模式及不留母莖技術以達成產期提前目標,藉由分區接力生產以達成穩定生產目的,結果顯示冬季低溫期以不留母莖管理模式,可提早自1 月起採收,全年產量及產值不亞於傳統生產模式。維持留母莖管理之傳統生產模式可延長採收期至每年11 月底。因此本研究證實設施栽培蘆筍結合應用不留母莖之產期提前及留母莖之傳統生產模式,可達成計11 個月之近周年均有蘆筍嫩莖生產供應之目標。現有技術: 露天蘆筍生產易受颱風豪雨危害,導致生產不穩定及產量偏低;傳統生產應用留母莖管理模式,嫩莖生產易受低溫影響,致產期局限於每年4 ~ 10月,無法周年生產穩定供貨。創新內容: 採用設施栽培蘆筍以減少嫩莖生長受低溫影響,應用不留母莖管理模式及分區接力生產策略,確保可提前於1 ~ 3 月低溫期穩定生產;結合留母莖管理之傳統生產模式,確保產期維持至11 月底,達成近周年可穩定生產目標。對產業影響: 結合留母莖之產期提前生產模式及不留母莖之傳統春夏秋生產模式,不僅達成近周年生產目的,也具增加全年產量與產值效益,更提升臺灣蘆筍產業周年穩定供貨之競爭力。


Asparagus is rich in nutrients and has been known to sell at a high price. The export quantity of canned asparagus in Taiwan accounted for more than 70% of world canned asparagus trade in 1980. However, over the past decade and a half, imported fresh asparagus has occupied more than 70% of domestic asparagus trade in Taiwan. The main reasons are that open field asparagus production is easily damaged by typhoons and heavy rain and the harvest period is limited to between April and October due to low temperatures in the winter. Therefore, it is difficult to cultivate and produce all year round and stabilize supply. To overcome this problem, a staggered production plan at three different sites was adopted to establish year round production in greenhouses and increase the stability of production. Non-mother stalk culture was used in winter and conventional mother stalk culture was used in the other three seasons. Production at each of three sites was started in different months to make harvesting possible more months of the year. Results showed that the spears could be harvested earlier, beginning in January, and the yield and gross revenue of the combined cultivation method was not less than the conventional cultivation. In addition, the harvest period could be extended to late November. This research has proven that when combining the mother and the non-mother stalk of asparagus culture in greenhouses, the spears could be harvested for eleven months a year, or nearly all year round. What is already known on this subject? Open-field asparagus production is easily damaged by typhoons and heavy rain which causes unstable production and low yields. In conventional cultivation of mother stalk culture, the spears are rarely harvested during the low temperature season. Therefore, its harvest period was limited to between April and October and it could not be produced all year round. What are the new findings? Because the growth of spears is rarely affected by cold weather in greenhouse asparagus production, combining the non-mother and mother stalk of asparagus culture can make sure that the harvest period is from January to November, which is nearly year round production. What is the expected impact on this field? Introducing the non-mother stalk culture to get early production in winter while keeping conventional mother stalk cultivation in spring, summer and autumn, not only enabled year round production, but also increased yield and gross revenue. In addition, the application of the new cultivation plan can enhance the competitiveness of the asparagus industry.
