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  • OpenAccess


Using Audience Time-series Distri bution Data to Examine the Strategic Effectiveness of Evolution Hall Exhibitions at the National Taiwan Museum




Museum exhibitions have a societal education function. As such, the education they offer and the system that incorporates it needs to address the concept of customer service. In this sense, a museum is in the business of knowledge services, where the public is the customer and the audience the object of the service. This means that in planning exhibits people's learning needs must be considered. This can be achieved through audience research to better understand the public's needs and wants. Therefore, museum employees need to understand how well exhibitions are accepted and seek to meet the needs of the audience. Such feedback provides a channel by which the museum can strengthen museum services to the public, so that people are willing to further use the museum as a source of museum based education. These days modern society is highly oriented around the market system. This can mean that the merits of a museum are simply measured by visitor rates with higher numbers preferable; however, too much emphasis on high visitor rates alone can have some detrimental effects and even expose some cultural relics to danger. Since the true purpose of a museum is to conserve cultural and scientific relics and provide societal education, museums need to place strong emphasis on retaining their educational value and commit to the development of societal education. This study uses audience time-series distribution data to investigate the effectiveness of the Evolution Hall's exhibition strategy at the National Taiwan Museum to see if exhibitions meet audience needs. The results will be useful for future exhibition planning and management of the museums educational function. The audience time-series distribution data show that audience visits are primarily focused around weekends and this is consistent with our existing understanding. On the other hand, the free of charge exhibitions in the Evolution Hall are popular, especially during weekdays from school visits, indicating that schools takes advantage of the museum's resources for teaching. This target audience is in keeping with the exhibition strategy the Evolution Hall pursues at the National Taiwan Museum. This is evidence that the Evolution Hall ‘s exhibition themes are in keeping with the contemporary education needs, which is in turn reflected in increased visitor numbers annually to the National Taiwan Museum.


http://blog.udn.com/solon8888/4440001 (2010/9/24查閱)
